犬と猫どっちも飼ってると毎日たのしい | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.



Hi there, how are you?

We my family have both a dog and a cat. As you know, the innate characteristic of dog and cat are different. Both are cute as it is. Dog is basically childish. Roux always show a loyalty to us. On the other hand, cat is basically independent. Nuts always takes a space from me physically and mentally.

Both Roux and Nuts always give us a rich life. Own both a dog and a cat, and you can spend fun time everyday. Do you know the animation? I haven't watched the anime, it looks fun.



Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! We have only rest of three days in 2020.
"Imperative + And/Otherwise"
Eat soba noodles, and it can make you happy.
Watch news everyday, and you will be able to catch up a current trend.
Wake up earlier, otherwise you will be late for school.
Work harder, otherwise you won't get good career.