【映画】超高速!参勤交代&リターンズ | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.



ちょっとあり得ないくらい湯長谷藩の殿様と武士がタフで強すぎるのはご愛敬ですね。エンターテイメントです!この佐々木蔵之介みたいにカッコ良くなりたい、違った、佐々木蔵之介が演じる大名 内藤政醇みたいな良いリーダーになりたいなあ。

Hi there, how are you?

I watched two consecutive movies, "Cho-Kosoku! Sankinkoutai" & "Cho-Kosoku! Sankinkoutai Returns" on Netflix. These are historical entertainment movies which theme is about "Sankinkoutai". I enjoyed these movies very much. Theme, story, cast and direction of the performance were very good.

I would like to describe "Sankinkoutai" in English.

"Sankinkoutai" means a management system of the states(Han) in Edo era. Sankin means an outward journey from each state to Edo capital. Koutai means a homeward journey from Edo capital to each state. The president of Edo capital (Shogun) had forced every heads of local states (Daimyo) to visit Edo capital every two years. And Shogun had forced the wives of Daimyos to live in Edo capital. Every Daimyos had shown their loyalties through the Sankinkoutai system. And they had spent a lot of money during the journey. Eventually this Sankinkoutai system had made the Edo Bakufu be sustainable for a long time. Furthermore this system had exchanged local cultures and Edo central culture.

By the way, I want to be a good leader like the Daimyo Masaatsu Naito who was played by Kuranosuke Sasaki. He always have respected citizens regardless a hierarchy.


As I wrote yesterday, I have rest of some Yamaki's dashi packs which I don't prefer. But I don't want to throw these away, the dashi pack doesn't go well with soba soup, so I cooked udon noodles by using Yamaki's dashi pack. Of course, recipe was different from soba soup. I put salt, lower amount of soy sauce, mirin and sake into dashi soup after boiling a dashi pack. It was good. But lifting of Shimadaya's boiled udon noodles were not good.

This cherry blossom was one of the first-lane ones which bloomed too earlier than others. The blossom looks lonely like me.
Thank you for reading.
Today's DMM English lesson review.
Q : What are your thoughts on Grace Firth's story?
A : I am wondering whether she have never recognized the letter from a court or not because basically a letter from a court is a special letter. No one never notice a letter from a court in a mailbox.
Q : Is litter a big problem where you live? Please explain your answer.
A : I assume litter is one of problems in Japan as well but it is not a big problem because local government service works well across Japan. And volunteer activity can help it as well. People have to fine for litter in some city by a regulation but I have never heard the story people fined for litter.