アサヒクラフトスタイル インディアペールエールタイプ | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


昨日の続きでアサヒクラフトスタイル インディアペールエール(IPA)タイプです。IPAは昔冷蔵技術がないころにヨーロッパからインドへの航海の際に品質が劣化しないように大量のホップを入れて醸造したのが始まりで、極めて苦いのが特徴です。そういった意味では新ジャンルなのによく出来てるんじゃないかと思います。コクはないですけどね。
Hi there, how are you?
I have nothing special today. So I am writing about new beer today as well. I drank Asahi CRAFT STYLE IPA TYPE. This new category of beer is brewed according to IPA recipe. IPA is one of the beer styles, abbreviation of India Pale Ale. IPA was brewed using more amount of hops than usual beers for keeping the quality when travel from Europe to India in the past when we didn't have refrigerator, it is the root of IPA.
By the way, the beer was good, it had a characteristic of IPA in spite of cheap new category of beer. Of course, it didn't have rich body as IPA, so it would not replace from genuine IPA, but people can enjoy IPA style beer more casually because it is just 130 yen, most IPA are above 280 yen. There are a lot of craft beers in Japan recently, but I guess the market size would not be increasing more. One of the reason is the expensive price of craft beers. Large beer breweries can brew these kind of challenging beers cheaper than small breweries.

We bought fresh oysters from a internet shop of Fishery Cooporative in Aioi city Hyogo prefecture.
Looks delicious!! We also bought Setouchi Lemon.
Of course, we ate fresh oysters as just raw. We enjoyed oysters with soy sauce with lemon, but with tabasco pepper, ketchup and lemon were also good tough you cann't believe that.
Thank you for reading.
Today's DMM English lesson review. I took an English lesson despite of at family home because I was alone.
An excersise-base label on the food might be good idea. To know how much excercise should we do for burning off the calorie the food has would make us different. But obese people probably don't look the labels of the foods they eat.
You would understand that when you became a middle aged person, it is difficult to manage our body weight in middle aged people. I want to avoid much intake of carbohydrate even now. It is one of the good way to reduce body weight in middle aged people.