ブロンコビリー | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Hi there, how you doing?
I went out to eat a hamburg steak (meat loaf) at BRONCO BILLY with my wife. I date with my wife every day. I have wanted to visit this steak restaurant once. This steak restaurant serves genuine hamburg steak that are cooked by charcoal fire. We ordered a 240g hamburg steak combo with vegetable salad and drinks buffet.
Salt was more suitable than steak sauce. The hamburg steak was very good, but I should ordered less amount of hamburg steak, it was too much amount for us. The reason why I felt was the hamburg had too oily, I wonder chef put additional beef oil into hamburg steak.

I drank Asahi SUPER DRY. SUPER DAY is my best beer. SUPER DRY has less unpleasant taste, really refreshing taste. Furthermore, SUPER DRY has rich barley flavor more than other major beers. I re-confirmed that SUPER DRY is the best lager beer in Japan. Of course, it is controversial. I know there are a lot of each opinions.
My daughter cutted a mango that was bought at COSTCO. This mango was really good in spite of cheaper price than other mango selling at grocery stores.
Thank you for reading. My summer vacation is almost over.
I am going back to Tokyo 1 hour later.