日曜日の午後は嫌いです | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.



Hello, how are you?

The snowman that we made is still OK! because it is very cold for few days. But the candies of eyes are disappeared.




This is the ranking list of my blog atricles in December. The most accessed article was "BOURBON Rumand icecream". I am really dissappointed that the article regarding "the stand soba AZUMA"was not the most popular article.



11月のアクセス解析を見ると...多分、多くの人が勘違いしたんだろうなあ(笑) すいません。

In the ranking list in November, the most accessed article was, you know, "Nama deshita". I supposed many people might have misunderstood sexy article. LOL



今週も頑張りましょう! あー東京に帰りたくないなあ。

Thank you for reading. I don't want to go back to Tokyo.