秋葉原 蕎麦冷麦 嵯峨谷 | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.




I was depressed because the Azuma that is a standing Japanese soba restaurant has closed, even though I eager to eat a Gesoten soba.

Therefore, I had to find other Japanese soba restaurant. I walked around Akihabara near Okachimachi. I found a Japanese soba restaurant, Sagatani.




I got imformations from advertisement board. This Japanese soba noodle is made by only soba flour called Towari-soba. Moreover, I can drink a pint of Premium Malts Beer for 150 JPY, if I ordered something to eat. I decided to enter this restaurant soon.



真昼間ですがもちろんビールをいただきます!(笑) だって150円ですよ!飲まなきゃ損です(笑)

Of course, I drank a beer in spite of daytime. I have to drink it because of cheap.



麺はちょっと太め。 わかめも入れ放題です。温かいそばなので、それほどそばの香りは元々感じないので十割そばかどうかはあまり分かりません(笑) 美味しいんですけど、口が完全にアズマのゲソ天そば基準になっているので満足度は低め(笑) あ、ビールは美味しかったです。

I ordered a Kakiage soba.

Soba noodle was thicker than others. It tastes good. But, but, I wasn't fully satisfied with this soba noodle because I wanted to eat a Gesoten soba of Azuma.


Thank you for reading.