おなかがすいたら動画なし、文字だけの替え歌! | 天王ミカゲのブログ




Ra*bits軍 だいすっきでぇ~す(なんだぜ~)(だも~ん)!

ミカゲ みんなありがとう。今回は、キラキラプリキュアアラモードがYouTubeで絶賛配信中ということで、スイーツにちなんだ曲を、オリジナルストーリーもかねて3曲紹介しようと思う。まずは私からだ!

ということで、スイーツ好きのスイーツ好きによるスイーツ好きのための最高の1曲!「Walking On My Sunny Road」の替え歌で・・・

Walking On My Candy Road


Walking On My Candy Roadの歌詞↓

アイスクリーム冷たく、さわやかなFlavor Sweets!
(I want eat sweets now!I want give sweets now!)
(Bitter and Sweet)
(I want eat sweets now!)
(Every day, Walking on my candy road)

(I want eat sweets now!I want give sweets now!)
(I Sweets love)
(I want give sweets now!)
(Every day, Walking on my candy road)

(I want eat sweets now!I want give sweets now!)
Every day, Step by Step
Every one, Let's eat sweets now!
自分の意思でWalking now, Walking now,
Walking now, Candy road
できたよSweets Castle!


Walking On My Candy Roadの英語歌詞↓

Chocolate cake, fluffy pancakes, and sweet donuts
Beautiful macarons and parfait with buche de Noel
Cream puffs, shortcake, and cool sweet ice cream are great!
A sparkling flash of inspiration!
I'll write this delicious taste in my notebook now
Let's La Cooking Now!
Remember how to mix the shortcake to make it fluffy!
When I eat pudding, I feel like my cheeks are going to fall!
Ice cream is cold and refreshing with this flavor sweets!
Result okay☆Make it a plus!
When mixing whipped cream, eight parts is the best!
This makes it perfect for decoration
Now that you're thinking that, we're going to share our love with you!
(I want eat sweets now!I want give sweets now!)
Mille crepe, mousse cake, and sweet cookies are also great
(Bitter and Sweet)
Fluffy muffins, sweet tarts, and cupcakes as a gift for you
(I want eat sweets now!)
Enjoy the best churros, crispy mille-feuille, and candy!
Now let's say "Let's eat together" These words are a message of gratitude to you
(Every day, Walking on my candy road)

When baking macarons, be sure to be careful about cracks!
Chocolate is sweet but bitter, and it has a very sweet taste of love
Arrange the parfait as you like Decoration parfait!
I feel like this looks really nice!
The power of the six is this melody that I sing, it tastes like sweet candy!
I'm catching up and overtaking me now I'am Precure
(I want eat sweets now!I want give sweets now!)
Chocolate cake, fluffy pancakes, and sweet donuts
(I Sweets love)
Beautiful macarons and parfait with buche de Noel
(I want give sweets now!)
Cream puffs, shortcake, and cool sweet ice cream are great!
A sparkling flash of inspiration!
I'll write this delicious taste in my notebook now
(Every day, Walking on my candy road)
Let's La Cooking Now!

Sometimes things don't go well and you fail.
But if I practice over and over again, I'll be fine.
It's no good if you give up because of that
I'll show everyone here that I'm doing my best to do my best!
Mille crepe, mousse cake, and sweet cookies are also great
Fluffy muffins, sweet tarts, and cupcakes as a gift for you
Enjoy the best churros, crispy mille-feuille, and candy!
Now let's say "Let's eat together" These words are a message of gratitude to you
(I want eat sweets now!I want give sweets now!)
Every day, Step by Step
Every one, Let's eat sweets now!
create with your own will Walking now, Walking now,
Walking now, Candy road
Sweets Castle is completed!

ミカゲ どうだぁ~い?なかなかいい曲でしょ~?これぞ、スイーツ好きのスイーツ好きによるスイーツ好きのための曲だぁ~!じゃあさっそく、逆翻訳開始!

Chocolate cake, fluffy pancakes, and sweet donuts
Beautiful macarons and parfait with buche de Noel
Cream puffs, shortcake, and cool sweet ice cream are great!
A sparkling flash of inspiration!
I'll write this delicious taste in my notebook now
Let's La Cooking Now!
Remember how to mix the shortcake to make it fluffy!
When I eat pudding, I feel like my cheeks are going to fall!
Ice cream is cold and refreshing with this flavor sweets!
Result okay☆Make it a plus!
When mixing whipped cream, eight parts is the best!
This makes it perfect for decoration
Now that you're thinking that, we're going to share our love with you!
(I want eat sweets now!I want give sweets now!)

Mille crepe, mousse cake, and sweet cookies are also great
(Bitter and Sweet)

Fluffy muffins, sweet tarts, and cupcakes as a gift for you
(I want eat sweets now!)

Enjoy the best churros, crispy mille-feuille, and candy!
Now let's say "Let's eat together" These words are a message of gratitude to you
(Every day, Walking on my candy road)

When baking macarons, be sure to be careful about cracks!
Chocolate is sweet but bitter, and it has a very sweet taste of love
Arrange the parfait as you like Decoration parfait!
I feel like this looks really nice!
The power of the six is this melody that I sing, it tastes like sweet candy!
(6人の力は私が歌うこのメロディー 甘いキャンディーの味!)
I'm catching up and overtaking me now I'am Precure
(追いついて追い越せ 今は私がプリキュア)
(I want eat sweets now!I want give sweets now!)

Chocolate cake, fluffy pancakes, and sweet donuts
(I Sweets love)
Beautiful macarons and parfait with buche de Noel
(I want give sweets now!)

Cream puffs, shortcake, and cool sweet ice cream are great!
A sparkling flash of inspiration!
I'll write this delicious taste in my notebook now
(Every day, Walking on my candy road)

Let's La Cooking Now!

Sometimes things don't go well and you fail
But if I practice over and over again, I'll be fine
It's no good if you give up because of that
I'll show everyone here that I'm doing my best to do my best!
Mille crepe, mousse cake, and sweet cookies are also great
Fluffy muffins, sweet tarts, and cupcakes as a gift for you
Enjoy the best churros, crispy mille-feuille, and candy!
Now let's say "Let's eat together" These words are a message of gratitude to you
(I want eat sweets now!I want give sweets now!)

Every day, Step by Step
Every one, Let's eat sweets now!
create with your own will Walking now, Walking now,
Walking now, Candy road
(自分の意志で創る 今歩いて 今歩いて
Sweets Castle is completed!

ミカゲ まぁ、こんな感じかな。今度は・・・

音 トントントントントン。

ミカゲ お、今度は誰だ?

??? 楽しいお方も、悲しいお方も♪誰でも好きなその歌は、バドジズ・デジドダー♪この歌歌えば、なぜかひとりでに♪誰でもみんなうかれだす、バドジズ・デジドダー♪

ミカゲ どひぇっ!?も、桃城さん・・・!?

??? 私はシークヮーサー学園大学部1年3組、桃城ミヨ!スウィーツの女王と言うのはこの・・・

ミカゲ この?

ミヨ 私のことよぉぉ~!!

ミカゲ 桃城さんは、どんな歌を歌うの?

ミヨ ディスコ☆わんだふるあらもぉど!私の得意な曲だから!

ミカゲ なるほど!歌と踊りは、あの遊木真でさえでも敵わないほど、相当優秀な「ディスコの女王」とも言われてるくらいだってことだから、桃城さんなら歌えそうかもね!

ミヨ まかせときなさいな!ディスコの女王、桃城ミヨが、真心とおいしさを込めて歌ってみせるわ!

Glasses Hopper!!の替え歌で




Parfait Pudding!Macaron and Shortcake!
Candy Chocolate de Chu Chu Chu!
It's Parfait Ice cream!Cream puff Pancake Waffle!
Whip and Custard and Waffle Gelato Happy!
Macaron Chocolate Parfait(パルフェ)どれもおいしく!
Cookie Candy Millefeuille、お届けして!
Parfait Pudding!Macaron and Shortcake!
Candy Chocolate de Chu Chu Chu!
It's Parfait Ice cream!Cream puff Pancake Waffle!

Shortcake Pudding Ice Cream Macaron Chocolate!
Parfait Waffle Candy Cookie Pancake Millefeuille!

今は行くよWhip Step Jump!
Whip and Custard and Waffle Gelato Happy!
Macaron Chocolate Parfait(パルフェ)どれもおいしいから!
Cookie Candy Millefeuille、お届けして!
Parfait Pudding!Macaron and Shortcake!
Candy Chocolate de Chu Chu Chu!
It's Parfait Ice cream!Cream puff Pancake Waffle!

ミカゲ おぉっ!桃城さん、カッコいい!じゃあ、それの英語版も、やってくれるかな!?

ミヨ まかせときなさいな!The queen of disco, Miyo Momoshiro, will fill you with a delicious smile!(ディスコの女王、桃城ミヨが、おいしい笑顔で満たしてあげるんだから!)


Let's all enjoy sweets and smile while eating them!
Parfait Pudding!Macaron and Shortcake!
Candy Chocolate de Chu Chu Chu!
It's Parfait Ice cream!Cream puff Pancake Waffle!
Disco☆Wonderful a la mode!
Which type of cake should I choose?I wonder which one to choose now
(Would you like a cake with fresh cream?Chocolate cake?)
I can't decide how many ice creams I want to eat
(Single or double?)
triple of course
Let's change the candy to rainbow colors
Arrange the cookies in different shapes
With this cream puff
A smile of happiness
Let's use magic to change it!
Whip and Custard and Waffle Gelato Happy!
Macaron Chocolate Parfait Everything is delicious
Cookie Candy Millefeuille Deliver to everyone
A charge full of happiness for everyone and lots of smiles!
Parfait Pudding!Macaron and Shortcake!
Candy Chocolate de Chu Chu Chu!
It's Parfait Ice cream!Cream puff Pancake Waffle!
Disco☆Wonderful a la mode!

The most important thing is for the cake to be fluffy
(Just like these balloons floating in the sky)
When baking a cake, you should never let your guard down
(Don't overcook!Fail)
Important thing
When decorating, put your strong wishes into it
Now let's make all the cakes glittery too.
cast a strong spell
A smile of happiness
Let's use magic to change it!
Shortcake Pudding Ice Cream Macaron Chocolate!
Parfait Waffle Candy Cookie Pancake Millefeuille!
Lots of glitter a la mode!Delicious melody!
Charge full of happiness, and everyone will be happy!

I dance. And the disco mirror ball spins around
I'm going to have fun Whip Step Jump!
I want to share it with everyone through dance!
Whip and Custard and Waffle Gelato Happy!
Macaron Chocolate Parfait, all of them are super delicious!
Cookie Candy Millefeuille Deliver to everyone
A charge full of happiness for everyone and lots of smiles!
Charge full of happiness, and everyone will be happy!
Parfait Pudding!Macaron and Shortcake!
Candy Chocolate de Chu Chu Chu!
It's Parfait Ice cream!Cream puff Pancake Waffle!
Disco☆Wonderful a la mode!
Decide on a pose that will make you happy!Sweet・・・

ミヨ 私に歌わせたら、一味も二味も違うんだから。

ミカゲ じゃあ、歌詞通りじゃない感じに翻訳するね!

Let's all enjoy sweets and smile while eating them!
Parfait Pudding!Macaron and Shortcake!
Candy Chocolate de Chu Chu Chu!
It's Parfait Ice cream!Cream puff Pancake Waffle!
(パフェ、アイスクリームです! シュークリーム パンケーキ ワッフルです!)
Disco☆Wonderful a la mode!
Which type of cake should I choose?I wonder which one to choose now
(Would you like a cake with fresh cream?Chocolate cake?)

I can't decide how many ice creams I want to eat
(Single or double?)

triple of course
Let's change the candy to rainbow colors
Arrange the cookies in different shapes
With this cream puff

A smile of happiness

Let's use magic to change it!

Whip and Custard and Waffle Gelato Happy!
Macaron Chocolate Parfait Everything is delicious
(マカロンチョコレートパフェ どれも美味しい)
Cookie Candy Millefeuille Deliver to everyone
(クッキーキャンディミルフィーユ みんなに届け)
A charge full of happiness for everyone and lots of smiles!
Parfait Pudding!Macaron and Shortcake!
Candy Chocolate de Chu Chu Chu!
It's Parfait Ice cream!Cream puff Pancake Waffle!
(パフェ、アイスクリームです! シュークリーム パンケーキ ワッフルです!)
Disco☆Wonderful a la mode!

The most important thing is for the cake to be fluffy
(Just like these balloons floating in the sky)

When baking a cake, you should never let your guard down
(Don't overcook!Fail)

Important thing
When decorating, put your strong wishes into it
Now let's make all the cakes glittery too
cast a strong spell

A smile of happiness

Let's use magic to change it!

Shortcake Pudding Ice Cream Macaron Chocolate!
Parfait Waffle Candy Cookie Pancake Millefeuille!
Lots of glitter a la mode!Delicious melody!
Charge full of happiness, and everyone will be happy!

I dance. And the disco mirror ball spins around
(踊る。 そしてディスコミラーボールが回る)
I'm going to have fun Whip Step Jump!
I want to share it with everyone through dance!
Whip and Custard and Waffle Gelato Happy!
Macaron Chocolate Parfait Everything is delicious
(マカロンチョコレートパフェ どれも美味しい)
Cookie Candy Millefeuille Deliver to everyone
(クッキーキャンディミルフィーユ みんなに届け)
A charge full of happiness for everyone and lots of smiles!
Charge full of happiness, and everyone will be happy!
Parfait Pudding!Macaron and Shortcake!
Candy Chocolate de Chu Chu Chu!
It's Parfait Ice cream!Cream puff Pancake Waffle!
(パフェ、アイスクリームです! シュークリーム パンケーキ ワッフルです!)
Disco☆Wonderful a la mode!
Decide on a pose that will make you happy!Sweet・・・

ミヨ 私の歌・・・こんな風にもなるのね。

ミカゲ だね。・・・それで・・・

??? ちょいと、待ったれぃ!

ミカゲ 何?次のお客さんは?

ミヨ 騒がしいと思ったら、安形、またアンタ?

ミカゲ 安形って・・・カキツバタか。

カキツバタ シークヮーサー学園高等部、2年1組。ツバッさんというのはオイラのことだぃ!それよりも、桃城ちゃんそっくりのヤツが、またすごいの出しちまったんだねぃ。

ミカゲ やれ、真緒ちゃん?まぁ、真緒ちゃんはイケてるけど、カキツバタはどうやらロックの魔王ともいわれてるようだな。

カキツバタ それよりも、ディスコの女王の桃城ちゃん、なんかまた1曲やってくんないかねぃ。

ミヨ ・・・・・・・・。

カキツバタ ディスコの女王の桃城ちゃん、1曲やんないと、海堂姉弟にまた・・・

ミヨ わかった!わかったやるから!でも、甘いもん好きにラーメン勧めちゃぁ、いけないわね、いけないわよ。

カキツバタ そう言うと思ったねぃ。ほれ、ディスコの女王はディスコの衣装にするんだねぃ。

ミヨ まかせときなさいな!ディスコの女王、桃城ミヨが、甘いスイーツ、食べさせてあげるわ!

続いては、「MAGICIAN'S PLAY」の替え歌で




Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!
魅せるわよ!Do it like the precure's Sweets!
決めるわよ!Do it like the precure's play!
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!

魅せるわよ!Do it like the precure's Sweets!
決めるわよ!Do it like the precure's play!

魅せるわよ!Do it like the precure's Sweets!
Fantastic My Sweets!
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls

ミヨ あとは、できる限り英語でもやってみるわ!


Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!
The shortcake is now jumping up and down
Pudding is a melody that allows for quick turns
Ice cream is a strong and ferocious force
The macarons are very beautiful and elegant
Chocolate is a beat that has a very good nose!Dowsing is very effective
That parfait doesn't just shine, it has to spread its wings even more powerfully now!
I'll show you right now!Do it like the precure's Sweets!
I'm already tired of ramen
Yes, PreCure homemade delicious animal sweets
Enjoy, everyone!
I'll decide for you!Do it like the precure's play!
sweet and lovely melody!
I'm sure right here now Kirakira Precure☆A La Mode!
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!

That whipped cream has a sweet magical taste
That custard is also the sweet and delicious taste of love
Gelato has a sweet, cold and refreshing taste
The macarons are very elegant and have a nice taste
Chocolate is sweet but has a slightly bitter taste. confused about everything
The parfait turns out to be happy and delicious, making it the perfect taste now
(gal undo!)
I'll show you right now!Do it like the precure's Sweets!
The taste of ramen is strong!But I just have to fight back as strongly as possible
Look Become stronger!
I'll decide for you!Do it like the precure's play!
Because I'll make your wish come true!
the stars are shining Kirakira Precure☆A La Mode!

I'll show you right now!Do it like the precure's Sweets!
No matter what kind of sweets I have, I'm sure it's the feelings I strongly desire
it's on the other side
I'll decide for you!Of course, my feelings are still not a lie!
Because I still love sweets very much
That's why the star is now Kirakira Precure☆A La Mode!
Fantastic My Sweets!
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.


Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!
The shortcake is now jumping up and down
Pudding is a melody that allows for quick turns
Ice cream is a strong and ferocious force
The macarons are very beautiful and elegant
Chocolate is a beat that has a very good nose!Dowsing is very effective
That parfait doesn't just shine, it has to spread its wings even more powerfully now!
I'll show you right now!Do it like the precure's Sweets!
(今すぐ見せてあげる! プリキュアのスイーツみたいにやってみよう!)
I'm already tired of ramen
Yes, PreCure homemade delicious animal sweets
Enjoy, everyone!
I'll decide for you!Do it like the precure's play!
(キミに決めてあげる! プリキュアのお芝居みたいにやってみよう!)
sweet and lovely melody!
I'm sure right here now Kirakira PreCure☆A La Mode!
(きっと今ここにいる キラキラ☆プリキュア☆アラモード!)
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!

That whipped cream has a sweet magical taste
That custard is also the sweet and delicious taste of love
Gelato has a sweet, cold and refreshing taste
The macarons are very elegant and have a nice taste
Chocolate is sweet but has a slightly bitter taste. confused about everything
(チョコレートは甘いですが、少しビターな味わいです。 すべてについて迷っている)
The parfait turns out to be happy and delicious, making it the perfect taste now
(gal undo!)
I'll show you right now!Do it like the precure's Sweets!
(今すぐ見せてあげる! プリキュアのスイーツみたいにやってみよう!)
The taste of ramen is strong!But I just have to fight back as strongly as possible
Look Become stronger!
I'll decide for you!Do it like the precure's play!
(キミに決めてあげる! プリキュアのお芝居みたいにやってみよう!)
Because I'll make your wish come true!
the stars are shining Kirakira Precure☆A La Mode!
(星は輝いている キラキラ☆プリキュア☆アラモード!)

I'll show you right now!Do it like the precure's Sweets!
(今すぐ見せてあげる! プリキュアのスイーツみたいにやってみよう!)
No matter what kind of sweets I have, I'm sure it's the feelings I strongly desire
(どんなお菓子を食べても きっと強く望む想い)
it's on the other side
I'll decide for you!Of course, my feelings are still not a lie!
(私が決めます! もちろんこの気持ちはまだ嘘じゃないよ!)
Because I still love sweets very much
That's why the star is now Kirakira Precure☆A La Mode!
Fantastic My Sweets!
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.
Over the precure!
Believe myself, every time!
Oh!Get in precure!
Let me be free Wonderful Girls.

ミカゲ 桃城さんならたくさん歌ってそうだね。

ミヨ まぁね、私も歌う時は歌うからね。

カキツバタ ほいじゃ、オイラも本気出しますかねぃ。シークヮーサー学園高等部2年1組。ロックの魔王、安形カキツバタ。全力で歌いますかねぃ。






Shining Precure Melodia!
My Sweets・・・!

分け合うこの友情、大切だぜぃMy Friend


A lot for a big parfait
The ice cream and pudding are both huge and the best!
Cake, cookies and tiramisu
Now when I eat ice cream, canelé, and waffles, I feel so happy!
We all have spoons and forks in our hands now
Let's all enjoy lots of sweets together!
Nowadays, folk music is transformed into a guitar, and we all play music together!
I'll magically change the ramen to delicious Mont Blanc right now!
I'll play along with these chocolate notes to the maroon melody
Let's play it now along with the notes!
This wonderful melody is playing
Beyond the notes, the singing voice now echoes!
Now I'll turn those tears of frustration into candy
Rock beat is a very delicious sweets!

Shining Precure Melodia!
Now, how about some delicious cookies, candy, and stollen?
Soufflé and chocolate and cream puff
The mille-feuille, macarons, and pralines are all very sweet and delicious!
A song like chocolate can make you happy Don't forget this kindness of playing music
Change your spoon to a shield with strong defense right here and now
I'll protect everyone with this kindness!
My Sweets・・・!

This friendship we share is still We should all cherish you, My Friend
Let's eat lots of sweets together now
Now I'm turning chocolate into countless musical notes
Now let's all play cool together!
I'll magically change the ramen to delicious Mont Blanc right now!
I'll play along with these chocolate notes to the maroon melody
Let's play it now along with the notes!
This wonderful melody is playing
Beyond the notes, the singing voice now echoes!
Now I'll turn those tears of frustration into candy
Rock beat is a very delicious sweets!
Come on, shine now, sweets power Unlimited power sparkling now!
I will give sweets to everyone and make them happy!
Friendship and love will be played with everyone's songs!
Kirakira Precure A La Mode!
Happiness is in full bloom!Your smile is in full bloom
Sweets are a source of courage that shines for everyone
Friendship, love, and fighting legendary soldiers!
Kirakira Precure A La Mode!

ミカゲ じゃあ、その曲を今度は逆に翻訳してみようか。

ミヨ どうなるかが楽しみね。

カキツバタ ん?翻訳するんかねぃ。

A lot for a big parfait
The ice cream and pudding are both huge and the best!
Cake, cookies and tiramisu
Now when I eat ice cream, canelé, and waffles, I feel so happy!
We all have spoons and forks in our hands now
Let's all enjoy lots of sweets together!
Nowadays, folk music is transformed into a guitar, and we all play music together!
I'll magically change the ramen to delicious Mont Blanc right now!
I'll play along with these chocolate notes to the maroon melody
Let's play it now along with the notes!
This wonderful melody is playing
Beyond the notes, the singing voice now echoes!
Now I'll turn those tears of frustration into candy
Rock beat is a very delicious sweets!

Shining Precure Melodia!
Now, how about some delicious cookies, candy, and stollen?
Soufflé and chocolate and cream puff
The mille-feuille, macarons, and pralines are all very sweet and delicious!
A song like chocolate can make you happy Don't forget this kindness of playing music
Change your spoon to a shield with strong defense right here and now
I'll protect everyone with this kindness!
My Sweets・・・!

This friendship we share is still We should all cherish you, My Friend
Let's eat lots of sweets together now
Now I'm turning chocolate into countless musical notes
Now let's all play cool together!
I'll magically change the ramen to delicious Mont Blanc right now!
I'll play along with these chocolate notes to the maroon melody
Let's play it now along with the notes!
This wonderful melody is playing
Beyond the notes, the singing voice now echoes!
Now I'll turn those tears of frustration into candy
Rock beat is a very delicious sweets!
Come on, shine now, sweets power Unlimited power sparkling now!
(さあ、今輝いてスイーツパワー 無限のパワー今輝いて!)
I will give sweets to everyone and make them happy!
Friendship and love will be played with everyone's songs!
Kirakira Precure A La Mode!
Happiness is in full bloom!Your smile is in full bloom
(幸せが満開です! あなたの笑顔が満開です)
Sweets are a source of courage that shines for everyone
Friendship, love, and fighting legendary soldiers!
Kirakira Precure A La Mode!

カキツバタ お?オイラの歌も、翻訳してまた逆翻訳すればこうなるんだねぃ。

ミカゲ そうみたいよ。それには最初、桃城さんも驚いてたんだから。

ミヨ そうね。・・・あれ?何か鳴ってるわ。

音 チャラリラララン♪チャラリラララン♪

カキツバタ ゲ、トムソーヤ先生からだ。めんどくさいねぃ。

ミヨ じゃあ、私が出るわ。貸しなさい・・・もしもし?トムちゃん?私たちに何の用?

颯也 ぜひ2人にグレートミッション部に入ってほしいんだ。ミッション成功でポイントをいっぱい稼げるんだ!バチバチしてきただろ?

カキツバタ オイラは根っからのゲーム部だぃ。お前のその発言、じめんで無効化してやるねぃ。

ミヨ 断る。妹と区別されるのはもうごめんだわ。それに、トムちゃんに毎回毎回利用されるの私は嫌よ。

カキツバタ 即答おおおおおおお!!!・・・おっと、そういえば、ともだち賛歌って、元の歌詞なんだったけかねぃ?

ミヨ 安形、アンタそれ言っちゃいけないって約束だったんじゃないの?

カキツバタ いいじゃないか!オイラはいいと思いまーす!お姉さん、元の歌詞教えてくださいよぉぃ。

ミカゲ わかった。わかったって教えるから!まったく・・・。ただし、1度だけよ?

カキツバタ うわぁーい!さっそく歌おうぜぃ!んじゃ、みんなエレクトーンで演奏だねぃ。





カキツバタ そうそう!思い出したぜぃ。それなんだねぃ。

ミカゲ さすがはカキツバタ君ね。それならみんなで歌って盛り上がろうじゃないの!

カキツバタ そうだろぃ?やっぱちゃぁんとした歌詞で歌わねぇとな!

ミヨ 安形、それ以上そんなこと言ってたら・・・

音 チャラリラララン♪チャラリラララン♪

カキツバタ ゲ、トムソーヤ先生からだ。めんどくさいねぃ。なんだねぃ、トムソーヤの冒険さん。

颯也 何がなんだねぃだ!?こっちにも聞こえてたぞ!

カキツバタ あーあ、残念だったねい、トムソーヤの冒険さん。実は桃城もオレも、クロノバンドを外して話してるんだねぃ。

ミヨ 安形。・・・ちゃぁんとつけてますよ!ほら、この通り!

颯也 誰がクロノバンドを外していいと言った!?さっきの歌は何なんだ!?もう一度歌ってみろ!

カキツバタ めんどくさいねぃ。ここでお説教かい。ひどいもんだねぃ。ロビン・フッドにトム・ソーヤー。みんな僕らの仲間だぞ?おひげをはやしたおじさんも、昔は子供。んなもんも知らないなんて、トムソーヤの冒険さんも、残念だったねい。

颯也 何が、残念だったねいだ!?

カキツバタ 今が楽しけりゃそれでいいんですわ。それと、お説教はご勘弁ってことで。

ミヨ 謝罪一切なしに電話切るなんて、アンタらしい。でも、いつまでもそんなんじゃ・・・

音 チャラリラララン♪チャラリラララン♪

カキツバタ 延々とかかってくるねぃ。義務だか何だかは知らないけど、ともだち賛歌はちゃぁんと歌ってもらわないと。それと、グレートミッション部?入部するつもりはないねぃ。

颯也 グレートミッション部に入ればポイント稼ぎまくり!それなのに入らないとは、言語道断!

カキツバタ めんどくさいお説教だねぃ。でも、体育の授業の時は結構楽しませてもらったぜぃ、トムソーヤの冒険さん。ま、次やってもオイラが勝つけどねぃ。

颯也 トムラ颯也!!!

カキツバタ あれ?そんな名前だったっけか。あんれぇ~。誰だかがそうやって呼んでたような気がするんだけどねぃ。

颯也 しかも先生に対してそんな口の利き方していいと思ってるのか!?

ミカゲ 何、2人ともケンカしてんの?

ミヨ あの2人いつもそう。それに安形の場合、中森も一緒じゃ、無敵って話。

??? トムセン、そのケンカ、買ってやるよ。

カキツバタ アカマツ!とりあえずバンドはこうしてこうして・・・あとは・・・。

アカマツ 実家帰る準備完了。あとは液晶もオレは赤、カキツバタは青にすれば・・・。

颯也 オレの許可なしに液晶変えたりクロノバンドを外すとは、言語道断!!

カキツバタ 絶対次のターンに問答無用とか言ってきそうでマジ怖ぇ・・・。

アカマツ ホントだよな。強火で怒ってるんだけど。あのさぁ、ふきのとうやタランボ、エビやイモを天ぷらにして食べるならまだしも?とうもろこしを天ぷらにするって、邪道中の大邪道ってわかんない?それに、パルクールは宙ちゃんの専売特許だってことも知らない?さらにはそれやって最悪命に関わることもあるし、クロノバンドつけてる状態で日焼けするとその跡残るし、あと、感情を「バチバチしてきた」とかの擬音で表現すんのやめてほしいな。聞いてて意味わかんねって顔されて嫌にならない?それに、ちゃんと自分でも帰れるのに電話かけたりしてる時点で完全にアウトだよね?人としても!!

ミヨ 中森がトムちゃんに説教・・・!?恐らく強すぎる・・・。

ミカゲ アカマツすげぇ・・・。

カキツバタ おぉ~アカマツいいねぃ!もっと言え~!

颯也 問答無用だ!!!

カキツバタ げぇ、全部跳ね返されてる・・・。

颯也 指示に背いたり、クロノバンドを外したり、抜け出したりと、やりたい放題して・・・挙句の果てには自分が悪いのに逆ギレしたり、上のパンまで残したり、500メートル移動するならまだしも、エリア外に行ったりと自分勝手して・・・もう、バチバチしてきた!!!

アカマツ んぎゃあああぁぁっ!・・・スピーカーにまで技飛んできたんだけど。

カキツバタ やっぱ従わなきゃいけないのかねぃ。

ミヨ やれやれ・・・あの4人はホントもう・・・ほれ、アンタもなんか言うことあるんでしょ?宣伝。

ミカゲ おっとごめん!・・・わんだふるぷりきゅあ!放送記念として、キラキラプリキュアアラモードがYouTubeにて絶賛配信中!キラキラパティスリーのおいしいスイーツや、キュアホイップたちの熱く、甘~い戦いが今再びよみがえる!ぜひ、見てね~!
