Ref.>"【朗報】日本の婚姻数が激増 名将の誉れ岸田"

>"岸田内閣が総辞職 在職日数は歴代8位の1094日"


>"安倍氏「国賊」発言「遺族に謝罪」と村上誠一郎新総務相 記者に「少しは考えて」とも注文"

> ふたりごと「総裁選で露わになった河野太郎氏のヤバすぎる人気激減」

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 10/2)


> 下関市春帆楼で開催された下関条約を記念する交流会にお招きいただき、ご挨拶いたしました。
> 台湾から約 60名の方々がお越しくださり、下関条約の意義、今後にいかに活かしていくのか等、日台間で活発な意見交換を行うことができました。

I was invited to a social gathering held in commemoration of the Treaty of Shimonoseki at the Shomonoseki-Shunpanro, and I gave a speech.
Approximately 60 people visited and attended the venue. We had a lively exchange of opinions between Japan and Taiwan on topics such as "the significance of the Treaty of Shimonoseki" and "how we can make use of it in the future."
(to be continued).

> 当時(1895年)はまだ飛行機ではなく、船での移動だった為、清国が最も来やすい下関での調印となったとのこと。

(to continue). Why was this important treaty (* negotiations & conclusion) held in Shimonoseki?
The reason why was that, at that time (1895), travel was by boat, not by plane, therefore the treaty was signed in Shimonoseki, the place the most convenient place for Qing dynasty to visit to Japan.