Ref.>"【韓国紙】 ベルリン少女像問題…日本大使館が5つ星ホテルの食堂で諮問委員を接待"


> ウェスティン朝鮮ホテル

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; "Westin Josun Seoul Hotel" 110 years ago (* which was constructed by Japan), which is reproduced with using lego blocks


>【NEWSIS】ソウル市中区のウェスティン朝鮮ホテルで 30日午前、オープン110周年に合わせて、1914年のオープン当時のホテルの様子を10万個のレゴブロックで再現した「ヘリテージ朝鮮ホテルに時間旅行」企画展示作品が公開された。
[NEWSIS]. The following photos show that, on Sept. 30 morning, at Westin Josun Seoul Hotel in Jung District, Seoul, in conjunction with the 110th anniversary of its opening, a special exhibition titled "Time Travel to Heritage Josun Hotel," in which the appearance of the hotel at the time of its openng in 1914 (* meaning it was constructed by Japan, not Korea) reproduced by using 10.000 lego blocks, is unveiled.