


>'「石破さんがひょう変した」10月 27日総選挙に "前言撤回"し党内で驚きの声…'


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 9/30)


> オーストリア総選挙(下院、183議席)はナチスの流れを汲む反移民・親ロシア政党の自由党が第1党となる見通し。
> 自由党を中心とする連立政権へ。

In the Austrian general election (lower house, 183 seats), the Freedom Party, an anti-immigration and pro-Russia party with Nazi roots, is forecasted to come in first.
A coalition government will be formed with the Freedom Party at its center.



> 地味アンド反安倍内閣誕生。
> 裏ボスの菅さんが安倍さんから受け継いだ憲法改正にこだわっていることだけが頼り。

A "low-key & anti-Abe" cabinet is born.
The only thing I can rely on is Suga, the behind-the-scene fixer, who is determined to revise the constitution, a policy he inherited from Abe.

>"副総裁・菅氏、総務会長・鈴木氏 財務・加藤氏、外務・岩屋氏 -- 石破内閣、1日発足"


> 日本の株式市場は「石破ショック」が続く。
> 財務省べったりの財政縮小と増税を不安視しているからだが、所詮は選挙用に選ばれた人なので、私は何もできず、岸田路線をだらだらと続けるだけだと思っている。

The Japanese stock market will continuously be jolted by the "Ishiba shock."
The reason why is that market participants are worried about the fiscal cutbacks and tax increases that are dependent on the MoF. However, after all, he is nothing more than a person, who is elected for the election-purpose. I therefore think that he won't be able to do anything, while only just dragging on down the Kishida path.

>"日経平均一時1900円超安 石破新総裁の政策に不透明感"