
>"産経・阿比留瑠比記者「自民党終了」 "




Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 9/27)


> あらゆる意味で日本を終了させた自民党議員たち。
> 週明けから地獄が始まる。
>"中国"と "財務省"と "サヨク"が笑った石破茂政権の誕生。
> 日本を滅ぼす岸田文雄氏は文字通り「勝負を決する11票」を石破氏にもたらした。
> 最後まで日本に仇なす政治家だった

The LDP lawmakers, who have ended Japan in every sense.
Hell will begin next week.
The emergence of the Shigeru Ishiba administration is a laughing stock for "China," the "MoF" and the "lefties."
Kishida Fumio, who has been ruining Japan, literally gave Ishiba the "decisive 11 votes."
He is a politician, who is an enemy to Japan until the very end.



> 本日、文化人放送局で生中継で総裁選を解説したが本選で高市早苗氏は 27票も石破茂氏を圧倒した。
> だが決戦投票で自民党議員たちは石破氏を支持し、高市氏を逆転して政権を奪取した。
> これで "日本を滅ぶ"事を分り易く解説してきたが無駄に終わった。
> どうぞ増税利上げ路線を進め自民党議員はきちんと責任をお取り下さい

Today, I analyzed the LDP presidential election in a live program of "Bunkajin Broadcasting Station." In the general election, Takaichi Sanae overwhelmed Ishiba Shigeru by 27 votes.
However, in the runoff vote, LDP lawmakers supported Ishiba, got a come from behind win over Takaichi and secured an administration.
I hitherto explained in an easy-to-understand way that how this will "destroy Japan," but it was in vain.
LDP lawmakers, please progress the tax increase and interest rate hike policy, should take responsibility properly.
