Ref.>"EDITORIAL | Heads Must Roll at NHK for Chinese Broadcast Hijacking"

>"中国外務省「越えてはならないレッドラインだ」と反発 海自護衛艦 台湾海峡通過に ⇒ ネットの反応「お前が言うなww お前んとこは太平洋にICBMだろ」「もう越えたぞ?どうする?」"

> What's changed for Hong Kong’s umbrella activists 10 years on?

Translation; "The spirit has not yet died" -- Hong Kong Umbrella Movement activists hold symposium in Tokyo on 10th anniversary

>"香港雨傘運動「精神は死なず」 10年で活動家、都内シンポ"

> 香港で 2014年に発生した大規模民主化デモ「雨傘運動」から10年を迎え、東大駒場キャンパスで 26日、記念シンポジウムが開かれた。
> 運動を指導した活動家らが来日して参加し「運動の精神は死んではいない。いつか香港の民主化が実現すると信じている」と訴えた。

It has been 10 years since the large-scale democratization campaign known as the "Umbrella Movement" broke out in Hong Kong in 2014, and a commemorative symposium was held on Sept. 26 at the University of Tokyo's Komaba campus.
Activists, who led the movement, came to Japan, participated in it and appealed that "The spirit of the movement has yet not died. We believe that, one day, democratization will be realized in Hong Kong."

> デモで香港の金融街占拠を指導、その後実刑判決を受け服役した陳健民・元香港中文大副教授は「雨傘運動は多数の学生らが集まった歴史的な抗議運動で、若者が香港人アイデンティティーを持つきっかけとなった」と振り返った。
> 陳氏は19年の香港反政府デモにも触れ「雨傘運動が進化した。今後、民主化運動がさらに発展し復活する可能性もある」と期待を込めた。

Chan Kin-man -- former associate professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who led occupation of Hong Kong's financial district in rallies and was subsequently sentenced to prison -- looked back that "The Umbrella Movement was a historic protest campaign in which many students participated, and marked the beginning for youngsters to have Hong Kong identity."
Chan Kin-man commented on anti government rallies in Hong Kong in 2019 too, and expressed his expectation that "The Umbrella Movement evolved. There is also a possibility that the democratization campaign will develop further and be revived in the future."