
>"「我々の規律は日本人を殺すこと」中国の地方政府幹部が SNS上に書き込みか"

>"<靖国神社参拝> 河野太郎、石破茂、茂木敏充「天皇陛下も参拝できる環境づくりをすることが総理大臣としての仕事」⇒ 高市早苗「総理大臣が毅然と参拝を続けることが環境づくり」"

>「我々の規律は日本人を殺すこと」中国の地方都市幹部がヘイト投稿 日本人学校児童死亡事件から1週間も平行線

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 9/25)


> 男児●害事件後、四川省の地方政府幹部(副県長)が「我々の規律は日本人を殺すことだ」と煽りの投稿をして波紋。
> 誤った歴史で反日感情を人民に刷り込んだ彼の国では信じ難いような憎悪の SNSが溢れている。
> 文革時、紅衛兵らの "革命無罪"で何千万が命を落とした事を思い出す。
> 30年以上も続けた異常な反日教育にはもはや歯止めが効かない。
> 早く邦人退避と企業撤退

After the murder of the young boy, a local government official (deputy county governor) in Sichuan province caused a controversy by posting a fanning comment, saying that "Our discipline is to kill Japanese persons."
In that country, where anti-Japan sentiment has been instilled in the people through fake history, social media is overflowing with unbelievable hatred.
It reminds me that the tens of millions of persons died during the Cultural Revolution, because of the Red Guards' "revolutionary innocence."
The abnormal anti-Japan education, that has continued for over 3 decades, is unstoppable.
Please hurry up in evacuation of Japanese nationals and withdrawal of the companies.

>'【中国の SNSに "反日"氾濫】地方政府幹部「我々の規律は日本人を殺すこと」 当局、男児殺害は「偶発的」主張…どう対応?'


> 私の取材では高市早苗陣営の議員票は既に "50台半ば"に達している。
> マスコミの必死の "高市下げ"にも関わらず票を伸ばしてきたのは本人と陣営の執念と努力の賜物。
> 一騎当千の猛者達を奮い立たせたのは国民の「高市さんしか日本を救えない」との応援である事は論を俟(ママ)たない。
> あと少し。
> "日本の為に"頑張れ

According to my coverage, the number of lawmakers' votes for Sanae Takaichi's camp has already reached the "50 level."
She has managed to increase her votes despite the media's desperate efforts to "disgracing Takaichi" -- which is the fruit of the tenacity and efforts of herself and her camp.
There is no doubt that what has inspired these fierce warriors is the support of the nationals, saying that "Takaichi is the only person to be able to save Japan."
We're almost there.
Do your best "for Japan"
