

>'【暗殺未遂】トランプ氏、プレイ中のゴルフ場付近で発砲 "トランプ氏は無事" 容疑者は AK-47と GoProを所持'

>"中国選手、射撃の国際大会で台湾の旗を勝手に降ろし奪い取る ※国際実用射撃連盟への加入は台湾の方が中国よりも先"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 9/16)


> トランプ氏がフロリダでゴルフ中に、近くで銃撃。
> 容疑者は SPに拘束されて、トランプ氏は無事。

A shooting occurred near D. Trump while he was golfing in Florida.
The suspect was detained by security personnel and Trump was unharmed.

>"Trump was targeted in apparent 'attempted assassination,' the FBI says"


> 韓国軍が10年使い続けてきた防犯カメラ約1300台が中国製と判明。
> 韓国製として納入されていたが、外装のみ韓国製で中身は中国製、映像が中国の特定サーバーに送られる設計だった。

It turned out that about 1,300 security cameras, which were continuously used by S. Korean forces for a decade, were made-in-China.
They were supplied as made-in-S. Korea products. However, only the exterior was made-in-S. Korea, while the contents were made-in-China, and it's designed that footage were sent to specific servers in China.

>"韓国軍使用の防犯カメラ1300台、中身は中国製 映像も中国の特定サーバーに送信の設計"


> 中国から台湾への密航が続く。
> 6月に中国軍の退役軍人が小型ボートで侵入したのに続き、中国籍の男がゴムボートで侵入して拘束される。
> 中国が嫌で逃げているほか、中国が台湾の対応能力を探っていると疑う見方も。

Stowaways from China to Taiwan continuously occurr.
Following a Chinese veteran entered Taiwan in a small boat in June, a Chinese male entered Taiwan in a rubber boat and was detained.
He stated "I had debts in China, so I thought to hope to start a new life in Taiwan." He is currently being treated for severe dehydration.
Other than that running away as they dislike China, there is a view to suspect that China investigate response-capability of Taiwan.

>"中国から台湾へ密航者相次ぐ いずれも軍事要衝に漂着、ゴムボートをレーダー検知できず"


> 読売新聞社による比例への投票先調査では、1位が自民党で 35%(前回 34%)、2位が立憲民主党の12%(前回12%)、3位が維新8%(前回10%)。
A survey to which party to vote in proportional blocks conducted by the Yomiuri Shimbun, the LDP came in 1st with 35% (34% in the previous time), the CDPJ came in 2nd with 12% (12%), and the Japan Innovation Party came in 3rd with 8% (10%).

>"比例選投票先は自民 35%・立民12%、解散「できるだけ早く」71%… 読売世論調査"


> 読売新聞による自民党総裁選の調査によると、高市早苗氏、石破茂氏、小泉進次郎氏のうち、上位2人が決選投票で争う公算。
> 進次郎氏は一連の発言で論戦に耐えられないことが露呈して後退。
> 石破氏も「議論が必要」しか言わず、結論を出せない日和見ぶりが徐々に知られてきた印象。
> 逆に、高市氏は露出が増えるほどに安定した実力が浸透。

According to a survey on the LDP presidential election by the Yomiuri Shimbun, the top two candidates out of "Sanae Takaichi," "Shigeru Ishiba" and "Shinjiro Koizumi" are likely to compete in a runoff election.
Shinjiro's series of comments revealed that he is unable to withstand debate, causing him to withdraw.
I have an impression that, as Ishiba only remarks that "discussion is necessary," that it seems that his opportunistic nature, unable to reach a conclusion, is gradually becoming known.
On the contrary, the more Takaichi is exposed, the more her stable ability becomes known.

>"自民党総裁選で高市・石破・小泉氏が競る、決選投票の公算大きく… 読売調査"