


>"「母国に帰国すれば最大 480万円」 スウェーデンの新たな移民抑制策を発表「われわれは移民政策におけるパラダイムシフトの真っただ中にある」⇒ ネットの反応「スウェーデンは移民で治安が最悪らしいね」"

>【🔴ライブ配信】自民党総裁選 なぜ石破茂氏が支持されるのか

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 9/13)


> JR中央線車内で女子高生の下着を脱がせるなど猥褻行為をした後、生徒の腕を引いて高尾駅で下車し、暴行を加えたパキスタン国籍の 31歳男が逮捕された。
> 岸田首相の "宝"によって "安全な日本"は消え、夜間の女性の外出が危険に。
> 世界が驚く "子供の電車通学"もやがてできなくなる

A 31-year-old Pakistani male -- who committed indecent acts on a JR Chuo Line train, including forcing a high school girl to remove her underwear, then took her by the arm and got off the train at Takao Station and sexually assaulted her -- was arrested.
Thanks to PM Kishida's "treasure," "safe Japan" has disappeared, and it has become dangerous for females to go out at night.
Even "children-commuting to school by train," which surprises the world, will soon become impossible.

>"電車内で女子高生にわいせつ行為、下車して暴行 容疑でパキスタン国籍の 31歳男を逮捕"


> 日本を存亡の岐路に立たせる中国。
> だが総裁選の議題は "裏金"問題と夫婦別姓?
> いくら候補者がテレビ局廻りしても、対中国問題はどの局も議題にしない。
> 最大争点であるこの問題を避けるメディア。
> 東風 41型核ミサイルの日本への発射を堂々語る中国の動画をまず国民に見せてみよ

China, which has put Japan at a crossroads.
But the topics of the presidential election are "slush fund" issue and "separate surnames for married couples"?
No matter how much candidates visit TV stations, no stations make the issue of China agenda.
The mass media, which avoids this issue, the biggest contentious point.
At 1st, show the public the footage showing China, which openly talks about firing Dongfeng Type 41 nuclear missile toward Japan.
