



>【🔴ライブ配信】小泉進次郎氏が出馬表明 どうなる自民党総裁選

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 9/11)


> 上川陽子外相が9人目の候補者として「難問から逃げず国民と新たな日本を築いていきたい」と総裁選立候補を表明。
> 国家観さえ語れないのに一体誰におだて上げられたの?

FM Yoko Kamikawa has announced her candidacy for the LDP presidential election as the 9th candidate, saying that "I want to build a new Japan together with the nationals without running away from difficult issues."
"Without running away from difficult issues"?! You could even do nothing about the Chinese maritime buoy that was placed near the Senkaku Islands, and you stutter at the Diet sessions, while reading off bureaucratic papers.
By whom, on earth, were you flattered, even though you can't even talk about your state ideology?

>"上川陽子外相、総裁選立候補を正式表明 「国民と新たな日本築く」"


> 一貫して風評被害を撒き散らす山本太郎氏に福島県民が怒りをぶつけるこのシーンに反原発の人間はどう思うのか。
> そして山本太郎氏と共に反原発が持論で突然 "原発容認"に転じたあの総裁候補は恥ずかしくないのだろうか。
> だが自民が脱炭素原理主義の "小石河"の支配下に入るなら、日本は先進国から脱落へ

What do anti-nuclear persons think about this scene, in which a resident in Fukushima Pref. is expressing his anger against Taro Yamamoto, who has consistently spread rumours damaging the region?
And isn't a LDP presidential candidate -- who, like Taro Yamamoto, is also anti-nuclear -- shame on himself as he suddenly changed his stance to "accept nuclear power"?
However, if the LDP comes under the control of "Ko-ishi-kawa," decarbonization fundamentalists, Japan will drop out from developed countries.
