
>"【韓国】日本企業「安藤ハザマ」に賠償求める訴え、証拠不足で棄却 韓国地裁"


>"【韓国】7日連続下落したサムスン電子株価… 外国人投資家は1カ月前から売っていた"

> 元従軍慰安婦のパク・オクソンが100歳で亡くなる 残り8人で平均年齢は 95歳

↓(See detail of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)

Translation; One former camp follower (* aka comfort woman) in S. Korea died bringing the number of still alive ones is eight = S. Korean netizens mentioned that "I want to see Japan makes an apology" & "the desire of Japan is..."

>"韓国の元慰安婦が死去、生存者は8人に= 韓国ネット「日本の謝罪する姿が見たい」「日本の願いは…」"

> 2024年9月8日、韓国・週刊朝鮮によると、韓国の元慰安婦支援団体「日本軍性奴隷制問題解決のための正義記憶連帯」(正義連)が7日、「旧日本軍慰安婦被害者が死去した」と発表した。
On Sept. 8, 2024, according to the Weekly Chosun in S. Korea, "the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan" (the Korean Council) released on the 7th that "a former Japanese forces' comfort woman (* not) victim died."

> 同団体は「被害者は18歳のときに縫製工場に就職するため友人と共に中国へ行き、そこで日本軍慰安婦として連行され受難に見舞われた」「1945年の解放後も帰国できず、2000年代初めになってようやく祖国に戻り家族と再会した」「韓国政府に旧日本軍慰安婦被害者として登録された後、水曜集会(日本政府に謝罪と賠償を要求する正義連主催の定例集会)や海外での証言活動に参加するなど、慰安婦問題解決に向けた活動に積極的に参加してきた」などと説明した。
> 遺族の意向により、葬儀は非公開で行われるという。

The organization explained as follows;
"At the age of 18, the (* not) victim went to China with friend(s) in order to be employed by a garment factory. There she was (* not) taken away as a comfort woman for the Japanese forces and (* not) suffered hardships."
"Even after liberation in 1945, she was unable to return, finally returned to her homeland in the early 2000s and was reunited with her family."
"After being registered by Seoul as a comfort woman (* not) victim of the former Japanese military, she actively participated in activities to resolve the camp followers (* aka comfort women) issue, such as Wednesday rallies (regular rallies organized by the Korean Council, which demands an apology and compensation by Tokyo) and overseas (* fake) testimony-activity."
The funeral will be held privately due to a request of her family.

> シン・ヨンスク女性家族部次官は「また1人の慰安婦被害者を見送ることになり非常に胸が痛い」と追悼し、「女性家族部は慰安婦被害者が平穏な余生を過ごせるよう注意深く見守り、彼女たちの名誉と尊厳回復のための記念事業も推進していく」と強調した。
> 韓国政府に登録されている「慰安婦被害者」のうち生存者は8人でいずれも年齢が 94~96歳だという。

Acting Director of Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Shin Young-sook mourned that "I feel deep heart pain as we have lost another camp follower (* aka comfort woman)" and emphasized that "The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family will keep a close watch over to make camp followers (* aka comfort women) (* not) victims can live the rest of their lives in peace, and will also promote commemorative projects to restore their honor and dignity."
Of the "comfort women (* aka comfort women) (* not) victims" registered with Seoul, eight are allegedly still alive and all are between the ages of 94 and 96.

> この記事を見た韓国のネットユーザーからは「日本は慰安婦被害者が全員亡くなり、人々の記憶から『日本=戦争性犯罪加害者』という事実が消えることを願っているのだろう」「国が弱く、政府がきちんと役割を果たさないせいで、日本から謝罪すら受けられぬまま亡くなってしまい残念だ」「被害者が全員亡くなる前に、日本の謝罪する姿、歴史をこれ以上歪曲せず過ちを認める姿が見たい」「どうか天国では幸せに暮らしてほしい」などの声が寄せられている。
S. Korean netizens, who read the article, are posting comments as follows;
"Japan probably hopes that all the camp follower (* aka comfort woman) victims will die and that (* faked) fact that [Japan = perpetrator of war sexual crimes] will disappear from people's memories."
"It's a shame that they she died without even receiving an apology from the Korean Council (* not Japan) because of the country is weak and the government doesn't properly fulfilled its role."
"Before all the (* not) victims pass away, I want to see the Korean Council (* not Japan) apologizes, admits its evil act and stop distorting history any further."
"I hope she live happily in heaven."

> また「ところで尹美香(正義連前代表で寄付金流用などの疑いで裁判中)氏はどこで何を?」「尹美香氏の小遣い稼ぎに利用されただけの元慰安婦がかわいそう」「まずは尹美香を処罰して」などとの声も見られた。
In addition, following comments are also posted;
"Btw, where is Yoon Mi-hyang (former head of the Korean Council, who is currently on trial for misappropriating donations, etc) and what is she doing?"
"I feel sorry for former camp followers (* aka comfort women) who were only used by Yoon Mi-hyang to earn pocket money for her."
"First of all, punish Yoon Mi-hyang."