Ref.>"LDP Presidential Election: Issues in Important Policies Have Surfaced in the Race"



> 高市早苗氏 圧巻の自民党総裁選出馬会見 / 加賀さんが会見場に潜入 現場の空気感や生の声をレポート【マンデーバスターズ】352 Vol.1 / 20240909

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 9/10)


> 自民党総裁選の最大課題は日本の存亡が関わる "中国"である筈なのに、メディア自身がどうしようもないレベルの "親中"なので絶対に他のものを争点とする。
> いつも出て来るのは "世代交代"と "刷新感"。
> 産経新聞出版の瀬尾友子編集長は「やたら騒いでいるメディアは自らの社を 40代前半の社長にしてからものを言ってほしいね。現在の世界情勢で日本の舵取りを任せるのに、無責任すぎないか」と。
> まさに正論

The biggest issue in the LDP presidential election should be "China," which is a matter of Japan's survival. However, the mass media themselves are hopelessly pro-China, so they make other issues be contravertial point absolutely.
What always comes up is "generational change" & "sense of renewal."
Sankei Shimbun Publications editor-in-chief Seo Tomoko X-posted that "I hope the mass media, who are making so much noise, will put a president in his early 40s before they say so. They are irresponsible too much to entrust with steering Japan in the current world situation, aren't they?"
Just correct argument.



> 数多い〈なぜ今、高市早苗でなければならないのか〉の中で最大のものは「中国」である。
> 中国専門家の間でなぜ "このままでは日本が第二のウイグルになる"と言われているのか。
> Hanadaチャンネルでその理由と具体的脅威について語らせて頂いた

Among the many reasons [why Sanae Takaichi must be the only one option now], the biggest one is "China."
Why do Chinese experts say that "if it goes as it is, Japan will become a 2nd Uyghur."?
In a program of Hanada Channel, I spoke about the reasons and the specific threats.
