Ref.>"福田元首相「日本から中国への旅行客が振るわない。中国の良さを PRしてほしい」"

>"Tibetan Villages Driven to Poverty by China's Forced Relocation Program"


Translation of X (* tweet) by Reiko Chiba (aka "Chibarei," on '24. 9/8)


> 言うほどの能力がこの議員にあるとは思えないし、チャイナリスクの押し付けは真っ平御免。
> 媚中派の脳内はお花畑か?

I don't think this lawmaker (* UH lawmaker Shinpei Matsushita (LDP)) has the ability as he himself claims, and I absolutely refuse to let China risk be pushed onto me.
Are the pro-China faction living in a fantasy world?
