
>'小泉進次郎氏の出馬会見 "構文"回避 質問は事前受付、記者の座席指定 問答資料にびっしりと貼られたピンクの付箋… '

>"小泉進次郎氏との2連ポスター、早くも作り始めた議員も…「選挙目当て」で自民党内人気が急上昇 ⇒ ネットの反応「進次郎総理誕生の雰囲気が醸成されつつあるな…」「高市さんがなんとか決選投票に残ってくれないかなぁー」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 9/7)


> 小泉進次郎氏が出馬会見でフリー記者に失礼極まりない質問をされるも、絶妙の返し。
> これは酷すぎる。
> 記者の負け。

At his candidacy press conference, Shinjiro Koizumi was asked an completely in advance staged (* not extremely rude) question by a freelance journalist. And he read the prepared script without failure (* not gave a perfect response at improvising).
"Everyone is worried that if Koizumi becomes prime minister in the future and attends the G7, he will be embarrassed due to his low intellectual level. Wouldn't that be a decline in Japan's national strength? Nevertheless, would you still go ahead and aim to become prime minister?"
This is just too shameful (* not harsh).
The Koizumi (* not the journalist) loses.

>'小泉進次郎氏「知的レベル低い」 "失礼"質問にも余裕の笑み「安心感持っていただけるよう」絶妙な返しも'


> NHK国際放送で暴言を吐いて帰国した元契約キャスターを名乗る人物が中国 SNSに現れ、「日本のマスコミは歴史の真相を隠すだけでなく、中国の発展の実情も懸命に隠している」などと言いたい放題を投稿して、いいねを集める。
> NHKは責任をとって止めろよ。

A person claiming to be a former contract caster who returned to China after making abusive remarks on NHK international broadcasting appeared on social media in China, posted whatever he wanted and gained "like," such as that "mass media in Japan not only hides historical truth, but also makes every and each effort to hide the reality of China's development."
NHK should take responsibility and stop him.



> ロシアのプーチン大統領が「東方経済フォーラム」でカマラ・ハリス氏の支持を表明。
> 前の大統領選でも「わかりやすいから(predicable)」という理由でバイデン氏の支持を表明していた。

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his support for Kamala Harris at the "Eastern Economic Forum."
In the previous U.S. presidential election, he also expressed his support for Biden, the reason why was "predicable."

>"プーチン氏、米大統領選「ハリス氏支持」 国際会議で言及"


> ベラルーシでスパイ容疑で拘束された中西雅敏さんが、軍事情報を集め、LINEで日本の情報機関に送っていた!
> ・・・って機密情報を LINEで送るもんか。
> 中西さんお気の毒。

Masatoshi Nakanishi, who was arrested in Belarus on suspicion of espionage, collected military information and sent it to Japanese intelligence agency(s) via LINE!
...Well, who would send classified information via LINE?
I feel sorry for Nakanishi.

>"拘束邦人「スパイ容疑」で捜査 供述放映、LINEさらす -- ベラルーシ"


> トヨタが EV市場の不振から 2026年度の EV生産台数を3割下がる100万台程度に縮小へ。
> プラグインハイブリッド車(PHV)の生産は拡大する方針。

Due to the sluggish EV market, Toyota will reduce its EV production volume by 30% to around 1 million units in fiscal 2026.
It has a policy to expand production of plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs).

>"トヨタ、EV世界生産3割縮小 26年100万台に"