Ref.>"河野氏、首相になっても Xでブロック「誹謗中傷は駄目だ」"

>'河野太郎氏「河野太郎総理で "オンライン投票"実現したい」'


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 9/1)


> 先週、杉村太蔵氏がテレビで「投資家の観点でいくと高市総理が誕生したら日経平均株価7万円いきますね。逆に石破総理になったら私は全財産をとりあえず銀行に移しますね」と断言した事が話題になった。
> 昨日会ったある議員秘書は「実際に "小石河"の左翼リベラル引き締め路線では日本経済の失速は確実。案外、いいとこ突くよね」と。
> 五公五民でも怒らない国民だから通用する信じ難い引き締め策

It has become a hot topic that Sugimura Taizo remarked in a TV program last week that "From an investor's point of view, if Takaichi becomes prime minister, the Nikkei average stock price index will reach \70,000. On the other hand, if Ishiba becomes prime minister, I will transfer all my assets to the bank for the time being."
A secretary of a lawmaker I met yesterday said that "In fact, with the leftist liberal tightening fiscal policy of "Koizumi-Ishiba-Kono," the Japanese economy will surely stall. That's a surprisingly good pointing out."
An unbelievable fiscal tightening policy that will be accepted by the nationals, who don't get angry by government-private equal divide.



> 長崎県への領空侵犯の次は中国海軍が鹿児島県の日本領海に侵入。
> 外務省は中国大使館に強い懸念を伝えたが、高市早苗氏は SNSで「外務省の局長から中国大使館公使への抗議だけで終えて良い話ではない。総理大臣、外務大臣、防衛大臣からそれぞれのカウンターパートに対して厳重抗議するべき事態であり、再発防止を約束させなければならない。日本に何かを仕掛けても全く効果は無いと思わせるだけの防衛力と外交力を備えていかないといけない」と発信。
> 完全に "媚中派 vs 高市"となった総裁選。
> 高市 "保守・現実派"政権でなければ日本が危うい事を国民に知ってほしい

Following the violation of the Japanese airspace over Nagasaki Pref., the Chinese PLA Navy intruded into the Japanese territorial waters in Kagoshima Pref.
The MoFA conveyed strong concerns to the Chinese Embassy, but LH lawmaker Sanae Takaichi disseminates hew view on social media that "This is not something that can be closed with the protest lodged by a director-general of the MoFA to a minister at the Chinese Embassy. It's the situation that the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister and the Defense Minister should lodge sterm protests with their respective counterparts and make them promise to prevent a recurrence. We need to have enough defense capability and diplomatic capability to make them think that anything they attempt to do against Japan has no effect."
The LDP presidential election has become a complete battle of "pro-China faction vs Takaichi."
I want the nationals to know that Japan will be in danger unless a "conservative & pragmatist" administration will be launched.

>"高市大臣「総理から抗議すべき」 中国海軍の測量艦による領海侵犯受け 日本の防衛力強化も主張"


> 花田紀凱氏の産経 "週刊誌ウォッチング"が手厳しい。
> 小泉進次郎氏に「そもそも彼の口から国家観のようなものを聞いたことがありません。演説を聞いても経済や外交の話が出てこない。選挙の顔になり得るというだけでそんな人物にすがろうとする自民党は浅はかと言うしかありません」との政治部記者の話を紹介。
> そして「門田隆将さんじゃないが結局、高市早苗氏しかいないじゃないか」と。
> え?
> 私の事までご紹介頂き、有難うございます!

Noriyoshi Hanada's "Weekly Magazine Watch" of Sankei is harsh.
He introduces a talk about Shinjiro Koizumi of a reporter of a political dept. that "To begin with, I have never heard he talked about like a state ideology. When I listen to his speeches, he never talks about the economy and foreign affairs. I can't be helped but say that it is foolish for the LDP to cling to such a person simply because he could be the face of the election."
And he said that "It's not like Ryusho Kadota, but after all, Sanae Takaichi is the only one."
Thank you for introducing me as well!