
>"【韓国】解放記念日に「君が代」放送 KBS社長が国会で謝罪 親日は否定"


> S. Korean forced labor victims win damages suit against Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; In a former conscripted workers lawsuit, the Gwangju District Court issued an order to Hokkaido Colliery & Steamship to pay compensation

>"北海道炭礦汽船に賠償命令 韓国・光州地裁、元徴用工訴訟で"

> 日本の植民地時代に朝鮮半島から動員され炭鉱労働を強いられたとして韓国人のいわゆる元徴用工や遺族が北海道炭礦汽船に損害賠償を求めた訴訟の判決で、韓国の光州地裁は 29日、原告14人について1人当たり1200万~5千万ウォン(約130万~ 540万円)の賠償支払いを命じた。
> 聯合ニュースが伝えた。

In a sentence in a lawsuit filed by so callek S. Korean (* fake) conscripted workers and bereaved family(s) to seek compensation to Hokkaido Colliery & Steamship Co., LTD., (* unfairly and irrationally) saying that they were mobilized from the Korean Peninsula and imposed caol-mine-labor during the Japanese annexation (* not colonial rule) period, on Aug. 29, the Gwangju District Court in S. Korea ordered it to pay compensation of 12 to 50 million won (approx. \1.3 to 5.4 million) per person.
Yonhap News Agency reported so.

> 同社は過去に事実上倒産し会社更生手続きを経ているが、聯合は光州地裁が「免責対象にならない」と判断したと伝えた。
> 原告計15人のうち、元徴用工の正式な相続人と認定されなかった1人の請求は棄却された。

The company went bankrupt in practice and undergone corporate reorganization procedures in the past. However, Yonhap News Agency reported that the Gwangju District Court judged that the company was "not a subject to exemption."
Of the 15 plaintiffs, the claim of one person, who was not recognized as the official heir of a former conscripted worker, was dismissed.

> 元徴用工訴訟問題を巡っては韓国政府が昨年、敗訴が確定した日本企業の賠償を韓国政府傘下の財団に肩代わりさせる解決策を示したが、その後も賠償を命じる判決が続いている。
Over conscripted workers lawsuits issue, last year, Seoul showed the solution to make the foundation affiliated with Seoul take over compensation payment of Japanese companies whose defeats in lawsuits are finalized. However, even after that, sentences ordering to pay compensations are handed down one after another.