

>"「尖閣諸島は中国の領土」と発言した NHKの中国籍スタッフ、香港のテレビに10数回出演していた…"


> ひとりごと「NHK国際放送で不適切発言の中国人はすでに中国に帰国済み 帰国後中国の SNSに『全ての真実と真相も含めて一切を 22秒の中に濃縮した』と投稿」

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 8/29)


> こども家庭庁が一般会計と特別会計の総額6兆 4600億円を概算要求。
> 2394億円増。
> 国でも自治体でも子育て予算は膨らむ一方で、抑制の意見が言いにくい空気になっている。
> 少子化に効く政策の予算を増やすならいいが、どさくさも混じっている。
> DXってなんだよ。
> 直接保育士に渡したほうがマシだと思うが。

The Children and Families Agency has requested totally \6.46 trillion for general and special accountings.
An increase by \239.4 billion.
Childcare budgets are only swelling in both the central and local governments, while there is an atmosphere in which it's difficult to voice opinions calling for restraint.
It would be fine if it increased the budget for policies effective to counter declining birthrate. But it's mixing in an attempt to take advantage of the confusion.
Why is DX involved?
I think it would be better to give it directly to childcare workers.

>"こども家庭庁、概算要求 6.4兆円 DXで保育士の負担軽減"


> NHKラジオ国際放送で、中国籍の男性スタッフが「尖閣は中国の領土」「南京大虐殺を忘れるな。慰安婦を忘れるな」などと発言していた問題で、この男が周囲に待遇面での不満を漏らしていたことがわかる。
Concerning the issue that the Chinese male staff member remarked on NHK Radio International Broadcasting such as "Senkaku is Chinese territory" and "Don't forget the Nanjing Massacre. Don't forget the comfort women," it has turned out that the male expressed his dissatisfaction with the way he was treated to those around him.

>"NHK尖閣発言の中国籍スタッフ「待遇が不満」と漏らす すでに中国に帰国か"


> 日中友好議員連盟の二階俊博氏らが中国共産党序列3位の趙楽際氏と会談し、領空侵犯に対し「遺憾の意」を表明して再発防止を求める。
> 趙氏は「侵犯の意図はない」と説明。
> 習近平指導部は人民解放軍の強硬派を依然として掌握できておらず、強硬派に引っ張られ続けている。
> 偶発的な衝突が紛争に発展する可能性が高まっている。
> 日本側に二階氏の後継者がいないことも不安材料。
> 公明党議員や福島瑞穂氏では中国に何も言えないだろう。

Nikai Toshihiro and so on of the Japan-China friendship lawmakers league held a meeting with Zhao Leji, the 3rd-ranked member of the Chinese Communist Party.
They expressed "regrettable" over the airspace violation and called for to take a recurrence prevention measure.
Zhao Leji explained that there was "no intention to violate."
The Xi Jinping leadership has still not been able to get the hawkish faction in the Chinese PLA under control, while continuouly being influenced by the hard-liners.
The possibility that an accidental clash could escalate into conflict has been rising.
The fact that there is no successor to Nikai on the Japanese side is also a cause for concern.
Probably, neither Komei Party lawmakers nor Fukushima Mizuho can say something to China.

>"中国軍機の領空侵犯に再発防止求める 訪中の二階氏が共産党序列3位と会談"


> 韓国大統領室のチョン・へジョン報道官が、福島の処理水放出について、散々危険を煽ってきた共に民主党を批判。
> 報道官は「日本と共犯」など言っていない。
> タイトル詐欺。

S. Korean presidential spokesperson Jeong Hye-jeon criticized the "Democratic Party of Korea," which rampantly fanned risk of discharge of treated waste water from Fukushima.
"This shocking ghost story, which has no scientific basis whatsoever, has been revealed to be a false incitement. Nevertheless,the opposition party, which is the source of the ghost story, has yet apologized to the nationals while showing an irresponsible attitude."
The spokesperson didn't say "complicit with Japan."
It's a title fraud.



> 埼玉県の大野知事が、関東大震災にときにさいたま市内の「旧片柳村」で殺された朝鮮人青年の追悼式典の実行委員会による依頼に応じて、埼玉県として追悼文の送付へ。
> ※ 前回投稿したものに不正確なところがあったので、投稿誌(ママ)直しました。
> すみません。

Saitama Gov. Motohiro Ono will send a letter of eulogy on behalf of Saitama Pref., in response to a request from an organizing committee of the memorial ceremony for a Korean youngster, who was killed in the "former Katayanagi village" in the City during the Great Kanto Earthquake.
* There were an inaccuracy in the previous post. I therefore reposts it.

>"朝鮮人虐殺の追悼文「前向きに検討」 埼玉・大野元裕知事、小池百合子都知事と異なる対応 関東大震災の式典"