Ref.>"EDITORIAL | Is China Using Jailed Japanese as a Bargaining Chip?"

>"70 Years of the Self-Defense Forces: Toward a Prouder Institution"

>'<領空侵犯> 中国外務省「(日本側と)意思疎通を続けている」「領空侵入の意図ない」事体沈静化図る ⇒ ネットの反応「意図はあるよなw」「じゃあ謝れよ」'

> NHK放送テロ「小出し訂正」の愚、ニュース原稿も改変

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 8/27)


> 東京新聞が福島の風評被害を広げる報道。
Tokyo Shimbun's news reporting expanding harmful rumors about Fukushima.



> 領空侵犯がどれだけ大きなことかがわかっていない政治家が多くて驚く。
> ここで親中派が声を上げて中国に働きかけできないのなら、親中派ではなく単なる媚中派だよ。

It's surprising that so many politicians don't understand how serious an airspace violation is.
If pro-China faction can't speak up and work on China now, they're not pro-China but China-flattering.


>"自民・小林鷹之氏「相当深刻な事案」 中国軍機領空侵犯に"


> 小泉進次郎氏の一強状態が固まりつつある。
> これだけ自民党が人気を落とすと、「誰が総裁なら自分が選挙に勝てるか」を考える衆院議員が増えるということ。
> 実力もあって人気もあって選挙にも強い安倍さんは、今考えると奇跡の政治家だったな。

Koizumi Shinjiro's one-polar circumstances is solidifying.
It means that, with the LDP's popularity has declined to this degree, more and more LH lawmakers think that "With whom the LDP president is, will I be able to be elected in the election?"
Looking back, Abe was a miraculous politician, with his ability, popularity and strength in elections.


>"次の自民党総裁、小泉・石破氏が先行 各社世論調査"