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>"韓国の日本旅行人気に陰り? 代わりに需要が高まっている国は"

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> 韓国二審反日裁判官の徴用工判決

Translation; In response to the Supreme Court of Korea ruling over statute of limitations, Nippon Steel Corp. lost reversally in two appeal courts in former conscripted workers lawsuits in S. Korea

>"韓国元徴用工の損害賠償控訴審で日本製鉄が2件で逆転敗訴 時効巡る韓国最高裁判断受け"

> 韓国人の元徴用工の遺族が日本製鉄に損害賠償を求めた訴訟の控訴審判決が 22日、ソウルの裁判所で2件あり、時効を理由に請求を棄却した一審判決を覆し、賠償支払いを命じた。
> 時効に関連する昨年末の韓国最高裁の判断を受け、日本製鉄の逆転敗訴となったとみられる。

On Aug. 22, two sentences were handed down in appeal lawsuits at a court in S. Korea (* the Seoul Central District Court), which were filed by bereaved families of former conscripted workes in S. Korea seeking compensation against Nippon Steel Corp. They upturned the 1st trial senteces, which dismissed the complaints due to statute of limitations, and ordered Nippon Steel Corp. to pay compensation.
It seems that, in respnse to the ruling handed down by the Supreme Court of Korea related with statute of limitations at the end of last year, Nippon Steel lost reversally.

> 聯合ニュースによると、賠償額は2件の訴訟で計1億8千万ウォン(約2千万円)。
> いずれの原告も 2019年に提訴した。
> 最高裁は昨年末、18年10月の最高裁判決によって初めて韓国で被害者を司法で救済できることが確実になったと指摘。
> 22日の控訴審判決は、18年10月から一定期間内に提訴されたため、時効にならないと判断したようだ。

According to Yonhap News Agency, the compensation amount is totally 180 million won (approx. \20 million) in two lawsuits.
Both plaintiffs filed lawsuits in 2019.
At the end of last year, the Supreme Court of Korea pointed out that, due to the Supreme Court of Korea ruling in October 2018, it for the 1st time became certain that the victims could be rescued by judiciary in S. Korea.
It seems that the appeal courts sentences judged that statute of limitations wasn't applied as they were filed within the certain period after October 2018.