Ref.>"小泉進次郎氏を支援議員「既に 40人以上」"



>"河野大臣に「どうか助けてほしい」と Xでリプライしたら、その日のうちにブロックされた:ワクチン後遺症の方"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Maybe, they exchanged views about the closely contested LDP presidential election = former PM Yoshihide Suga and LDP Secretary-General Toshimitsu Motegi had dinner together

>"菅義偉前首相と茂木敏充自民幹事長が会食 混戦模様の総裁選巡り意見交換か"

> 自民党の菅義偉前首相と茂木敏充幹事長が 20日夜、東京都内の中国料理店で会食した。
> 岸田文雄首相の不出馬表明によって混戦模様となっている9月の党総裁選の情勢を巡り意見交換したとみられる。
> 2人の会食は6月19日以来。
> 茂木氏は将来的な首相就任に意欲を示し、9月の総裁選に出馬するかどうかについては「夏の間考える」としている。

On Aug. 20 night, LDP former PM Yoshihide Suga and Secretary-General Motegi Toshimitsu held a dinner-meeting at a Chinese restaurant in Tokyo.
It seems that they exchanged views on the circumstances of the LDP presidential election in September, which has become a close contest following PM Fumio Kishida's announcement that he won't run.
This was the 1st dining together by the two persons since June 19.
Motegi has expressed his will to become prime minister in the future. Regarding whether or not he will run in the September LDP presidential election, he has explained that he will "consider it during the summer."