

>"ネイバーウェブトゥーン株、大暴落 米国上場から6週間でほぼ半減"


> U.S. calls on N. Korea to return to diplomacy

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 8/10)

>"金正恩氏、仮設テントを慰問 洪水被災の幼児ら、平壌に避難へ"

> 北朝鮮メディアは10日、金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記が大規模な洪水被害が起きた北西部を8、9両日に再び視察したと伝えた。
> 金氏は仮設テントの被災者を慰問し、被災した幼児や高齢者ら計1万5千人を一時的に首都平壌に避難させるなどの支援を表明。
> 復旧に時間がかかっていることに「申し訳ない」と述べた。

On Aug. 10, mass media in N. Korea reported that Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the WPK, once again inspected the northwestern region, where the massive flood damages occurred, on August 8 and 9.
Kim visited the victims in temporary tents to comfort them, and expressed that he would provide support, including temporarily evacuating totally 15,000 persons, including young children and the elderly, to the capital, Pyongyang.
He said he was "sorry" that recovery is taking so long.

> 金氏は演説し、北西部平安北道だけで軍人や志願者約13万人が復旧作業に従事していると説明。
> 被災者の生活の安定に2~3ヶ月かかると明らかにした。
> 鴨緑江が氾濫すると必ず水害が起きる周辺の治水対策を根本的に見直し、住宅再建時に「理想的な農村文化都市」を造る考えも強調した。

Kim gave a speech and explained that in northwestern Pyeonganbuk Province alone, about 130,000 soldiers and volunteers were engaged in restoration works.
He revealed that it would take two to three months for the lives of the victims to stabilize.
Kim also emphasized his intention to fundamental review the flood control measures in the surrounding areas, where flooding damages always occur whenever the Yalu River overflows, and construct an "ideal rural cultural city" during the priod when houses are rebuilt.