
>"金正恩さん、豪雨被害をレクサス LXで視察 災害対策を怠った国家機関と関係者を厳しく叱責"

>"N. Korea's Kim guides rescue operation for residents in flood-hit areas"

> S. Korea, U.S., Japan sign trilateral security cooperation framework amid N. Korean threats

Translation; Kim Jong-un "falls into at high risk group of heart disease," the NIS reported so

>"金正恩氏は「心疾患の高危険群」 韓国情報機関が報告"

> 韓国の情報機関、国家情報院は 29日、北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記の健康状態に関し「超高度肥満状態で、心臓疾患の高危険群に該当する」との分析を示した。
> 体重は140キロ台で、体格指数(BMI)は肥満判定の 25を大幅に超える 40台半ばと推定した。
> 国会情報委員会で報告し、出席議員らが記者団に明らかにした。

On July 29, an intelligence institution in S. Korea, the National Intelligence Service (NIS), showed an analysis on the health conditions of General Secretary of the WPK in N. Korea, Kim Jong-un, that "extremely obese condition and falls into at high risk group of heart disease."
It estimated that he weighed 140 kg level and his body mass index (BMI) was in the mid-40s, well above the 25 threshold for obesity.
The NIS reported so at the parliamentary intelligence committee, and attendants lawmakers (>"Rep. Lee Seong-kweun of the ruling People Power Party and Rep. Park Sun-won of the main opposition Democratic Party") and so on revealed so to reporters.

> 議員らによると、国情院は金氏が 30代前半から高血圧や糖尿病の症状を抱え「改善しなければ心血管系の疾患が現れる可能性がある」と報告した。
> また娘で「ジュエ」さんとの情報がある少女が、現時点で有力な後継者として教育を受けているとの見方を示した。

According to lawmakers, the NIS reported that Kim Jong-un had >"systems of high blood pressure and diabetes since his early 30s, and "If it's not improved, cardiovascular disease may occur."
Btw, it showed a view that the girl -- there is information that she is his daugther whose name is "Ju-ae" -- has been educated as a promising successor at present.