Ref.>"Chief Russian prosecutor visits N. Korea for 1st time"


> S. Korea airs full-scale loudspeaker propaganda broadcasts for second straight day

Translation; Belarus' foreign minister Maxim Vladimirovich Ruzenkov will visit N. Korea since July 23 in order to upgrade the bilateral cooperation

>"ベラルーシ外相が訪朝へ 連携強化、23日から"

> 北朝鮮の朝鮮中央通信は 22日、ベラルーシのルイジェンコフ外相が 23~26日の日程で訪朝すると報じた。
> 北朝鮮外務省が招請した。
> 北朝鮮はウクライナへの侵攻を続けるロシアとの関係を急速に深めており、ベラルーシとも連携を進める姿勢だ。
> 日程の詳細は明らかにしていない。

On July 22, the state run KCNA in N. Korea reported that Belarus' foreign minister Maxim Vladimirovich Ruzenkov would visit N. Korea from the 23rd to the 26th.
The N. Korean Foreign Ministry has invited him.
N. Korea has been rapidly deepening its ties with Russia, which has continuously invaded Ukraine, and it takes stance to progress cooperation with Belarus too.
Details of the schedule wasn't disclosed.

> 金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記は昨年12月の党重要会議で反米勢力との関係を強化する方針を表明。
> 今年6月には訪朝したロシアのプーチン大統領との会談で、有事の軍事援助を規定した包括的戦略パートナーシップ条約に署名している。

General Secretary of the WPK, Kim Jong Un," expressed a policy to upgrade ties with anti-U.S. forces at an important party meeting in last December.
During a meeting with Russian President Putin during his visit to N. Korea in last June, he signed the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement, which stipulates to provide military assistance in a contingency.