




Translation of X (* tweet) by Hiroyuki Nishimura (aka Hiroyuki, on '24. 7/22)


> トランプ氏暗殺未遂事件でトランプ氏の支持率が圧倒的になった所で大統領選挙を降りるバイデン大統領。
> ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領をプーチンと呼んだりして、周りから「大統領選降りろ」と言われ続けても降りなかった。
> 1ヶ月前なら英断だけど、今や負けるから逃げたとしか見えない。

President Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential election, when Trump's approval rating became overwhelming due to the assassination attempt.
He called Ukrainian President Zelensky "Putin," etc., therefore pesons around him continuously told him to "withdraw from of the presidential election," but he didn't.
It would have been a wise decision a month ago. However, now it just seems that he ran away because he knew he would lose.