


>"【Mステ】女性「このカメラマン絶対男だろ。撮り方気持ち悪」→ 反応「アングルどうこう以前に…」(※動画)"

> 安倍総理の存在の大きさ トランプ氏の力強さ / 民主党やメディア等の左派勢力が作り出した現状 トランプ氏勝利への危機感が頂点へ【マンデーバスターズ】336 Vol.2 / 20240715

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 7/21)


> またも動き出した自民党内の日本破壊勢力。
> 高市早苗氏か(ママ)総務相時代に役所等の申請手続を僅か1年で "旧氏"を使えるよう見直し、住民票や運転免許証、パスポートなど旧姓併記に。
> 不便はほぼ解消されたのに仮に制度化されれば子供の姓をどうするか両方の祖父母を交え揉めるだろう。
> だがその混乱こそが彼らの狙い

The LDP intra-party Japan-destroying force, which starts to be on the move again.
When LH lawmaker Sanae Takaichi (LDP) was MIC Minister, she reviewed application procedures at governmental offices and so on in just one year to allow people to use their "former surnames," and maiden surnames are now jointly written on residence certificates, driver's licenses, passports, etc.
The inconvenience has been resolved almost completely. Nevertheless, if this were to become a legal system, there would likely be a row involving both sets of grandparents over what surnames children should have.
But such confusions is precisely what they are aiming for.



> 石破茂氏が「自民党全体に対するアゲインストという意味では今回の方がきついかもしれない。あの時(09年)は麻生政権に対するアゲインストだったが、自民全体へという意味でいえば今回がきつい。ただ野党側にあの時の民主党みたいな塊がない分、私達は少し助かっている」と。
> 派閥の維持もできなかった石破氏がさてどこまで仲間を集められるか注目

LH lawmaker Shigeru Ishiba (LDP) said that "In the meaning of against the LDP as a whole, this time may be tougher. At that time (2009), it was against the Aso administration, but in the meaning of against the LDP as a whole, this time is tougher. However, we are somewhat saved because there is no bloc on the opposition side like the Democratic Party at that time."
It's paid attention how many comrades Ishiba, who was even unable to maintain his faction, will be able to gather.

>"石破氏「下野した 2009年より自民全体への逆風きつい」 総裁選「"言うべき時あり"とすれば地元で」表明"


> こんな事を言う人間を有難くも観光顧問に据える日本政府。
> この人物を重用してきた菅義偉氏のご感想は?
> ひょっとしてアイヌが日本列島の原住民だったとの説もこの勢力から?

"What evidence do you have that black slavery wasn't trendy in Japan?," David Atkinson, special adviser to the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), questioned so.
Tokyo, which gratefully appointed someone who says such matter as a tourism adviser.
What impression does Suga Yoshihide, who has heavily used such person, have?
By any chance, the theory that "the Ainu perople were the original inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago" was also proposed by this forces?