Ref.>"なりすまし詐欺の疑い 韓国籍の男を再逮捕 市役所職員を名乗りキャッシュカードだまし取る"

>"S. Korea to continue to blast propaganda broadcasts in response to N.K. balloons"

>"Trump flaunts personal ties with Kim, signals apparent desire for N.K. diplomacy"

>"N. Korean leader discusses military ties with visiting Russian vice defense minister"

> Military resumes loudspeaker broadcasts against N. Korea on Friday afternoon

Translation; In response to sending "trash-carrying balloons" by N. Korea, the S. Korean side countered propaganda loudspeaker broadcasts


> 韓国軍は北朝鮮の「汚物風船」散布に対し、対北朝鮮拡声器放送で対応したと明らかにした。
> 韓国合同参謀本部は19日、「韓国軍は北朝鮮の持続的な汚物風船散布に対して数回にわたり厳重警告したように、昨日夕方から今日未明まで汚物風船を飛ばした地域に対して拡声器放送での対応を実施した」と明らかにした。
> それとともに「今後の韓国軍の対応は全面的に北朝鮮の行動にかかっている」と指摘した。

S. Korean forces revealed to have countered with loudspeaker broadcasts toward N. Korea in response to the launch of "trash-carrying balloons" by N. Korea.
On July 19, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in S. Korea revealed that "As we sternly warned several times to continuous filth-balloon sending by N. Korea, from the evening yesterday to the dawn today, S. Koran forces conducted countermeasures with loudspeaker broadcasts to the areas where filth-balloon were launched."
Along with that, it pointed out that "responses by S. Korean forces from now on totally depends on N. Korean behaviors."

> 北朝鮮は前日、今年8回目の汚物風船を散布した。
> 前回の汚物風船散布は約3週間前だった。
> 今年だけで7回にわたって計 2000個を超える汚物風船を南側に飛ばした。
> キム・ヨジョン労働党副部長は、14日と16日の2度の談話で、韓国側の民間団体の対北朝鮮ビラが北朝鮮で発見されたとし、「代価を覚悟しなければならない」と威嚇した。

On the previous day, N. Korea released its 8th filth-balloons this year.
The previous time filth-balloons launch was about three weeks ago.
This year alone, totally more than 2,000 filth-balloons were sent to the South side over seven times.
In her two statements on July 14 and 16, Kim Yo-jong, vice director of the WPK, said that to N. Korea leaflets sent by S. Korean non-governmental organizations were found in N. Korea, and warned that "they must be prepared to pay a price."

> これに先立ち、韓国軍は先月8日、北朝鮮が3回目の汚物風船を散布すると、事前に予告した通り、9日、北朝鮮に対する拡声器放送を再開した。
> 拡声器放送は、北朝鮮が最も恐れる心理戦手段の一つだ。

In advance to that, on June 9, as it warned in advance, the S. Korean forces resumed loudspeaker broadcasts toward N. Korea, in response that N. Korea sent the 3rd filth-balloons on June 8.
The loudspeaker broadcasts is one of psychological warfare means that N. Korea is most afraid of.