
>"【朝鮮日報】 21年間質素な食事で1億円ためた 40代日本人男性「円安進み、本当に無意味な人生」"


> S. Korea warns of potential N. Korean mines flowing into south amid heavy rain

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; N. Korea has buried tens of thousands of landmines, including small ones disguised as leaves = the S. Korean Defense Ministry expressed so and called for to be on alert to their inflow due to rain

>"北朝鮮の地雷埋設は数万個 葉っぱに見せかけた小型地雷も 韓国国防省、雨で流入警戒"

> 北朝鮮が4月以降、韓国との非武装地帯(DMZ)にある南北軍事境界線付近で地雷埋設とみられる作業を活発化させていることに関し、韓国国防省は17日、これまでに数万個が埋設されたと明らかにした。
> 葉っぱに見せかけた小型の地雷などもあるという。
> 韓国では激しい雨が続いており、韓国側への地雷流入に警戒を呼びかけた。

On July 17, concerning that since April, N. Korea has activated its activity seems to be burying landmines near the military demarcation line in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) with S. Korea, the S. Korean Defense Ministry revealed that tens of thousands ones were buried so far.
Some of the mines are allegedly small and disguised as leaves.
Heavy rain continues in S. Korea, it therefore called for to be on alert to their inflow into the S. Korean side.

> 国防省によると、北朝鮮の兵士は休日なしに1日12~13時間作業し、熱中症にかかる兵士もいる。
> これまで十数回の地雷爆発事故が起き、多数の死傷者が出ている。
> 一方、北朝鮮が境界線付近で進める防壁の設置は境界線約 250キロのうち、約1%で作業が進んだという。

According to the Defense Ministry, N. Korean troops work 12-13 hours a day without any days off, and some suffer from heatstroke.
There were hitherto over a dozen mine explosion accidents, which caused many deaths and injuries.
Meanwhile, N. Korea's construction of the barrier, which N. Korea pas progressed near the boarder, has allegedly progressed the work at about 1% of the approx. 250 km boarder.