Ref.>"The Attack on Donald Trump Is Antithetical to America"




Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 7/14)


> トランプ大統領、暗殺未遂の背景

The background to the assassination attempt on (* former) President D. Trump.
In a conversation with Manabu Matsuda broadcasted on July 10, I commented on an assassination of Trump -- "If things go normally, Trump will win the presidential election. However, we never know what will happen. I don't think Trump will win at all. The reason why is that four years ago was the same."

> トランプにカスリ傷を負わせた狙撃犯は屋根の上から撃ったという目撃者の証言を BBCが伝えたと、CNNが言っているが詳細は不明。
> 先日松田学さんとの対談で述べた予想通りになった。
> トランプは明日の党大会に参加と言っている。
> NYTの昨日の狂った社説はこの米国の惨状そのものだ。

CNN said that "The BBC reported that an eyewitness testified that the sniper, who inflicted Trump a scratch, fired from a rooftop." However, details are unclear.
This is just what I said and predicted in my recent conversation with Manabu Matsuda.
D. Trump says that he will participate in the party convention tomorrow.
The crazy New York Times editorial on yesterday is a perfect example of this dire conditions of the U.S.

> 日本時間今朝のトランプ大統領暗殺未遂事件。
> 開場時から生中継をしていた独立系メディアが別アングルから撮った中継が見られる。
> 一般人の米国人有権者の咄嗟の危機への対処の仕方や、VIP警護の武装など日本人は学ばなければならない。
> 銃撃直後にこの中継でも、屋上のスナイパーに放送は言及した。

The assassination attempt on (* former) President D. Trump in this morning (Japan local time).
You can watch a live broadcast from a different angle by an independent media outlet, that was broadcasting live from the time of the gate open.
Japanese people must learn from the case = the way ordinary American voters respond to sudden crises, how VIP guards are armed, etc.
Even right after the shooting, this broadcast commented on the sniper on the roof.