
>"【速報】トランプ氏の演説中に発砲音、耳のあたりから血か… 米・ペンシルベニア州"



> Eyewitness: The crowd 'went nuts' when Trump pumped his fist

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 7/14)


> 昨日は金沢で国政報告会を開催しました。
> 地元の市議、県議、そしてお隣の福井県からも駆けつけていただき、質疑応答もとても盛り上がりました。
> 安倍晋三元総理の三回忌があったばかりということで、安倍先生の暗殺についてのこと、今後の総裁選について(続く)

Yesterday, I held a national policy briefing in Kanazawa.
Local city and prefectural assembly members, as well as members from neighboring Fukui Prefecture, rushed and attended it, and the Q&A session was also very fired up.
As it was just after the 2nd anniversary of the death of former PM Shinzo Abe, I received many questions and requests (to be continued)

> そして今日、トランプ前大統領銃撃のニュースが飛び込んで来て、大変驚きました。
> 民主主義に対する暴力は絶対に許せません。
> 強い憤りを感じます。

(to continue) about his assassination and the upcoming LDP presidential election.
And today, I was very surprised to hear the news of the shooting of former President D. Trump.
Violence against democracy is never acceptable.
I feel strong indignation.

> トランプ前大統領はご無事(ママ)とのことですが、集会に参加され、亡くなられた方に心からお悔やみ申し上げます。

Former President D. Trump is allegedly suffered only a minor injury (* precisely speaking , he isn't safe), but I offer my deepest condolences to the one who attended the rally and died.
There is information that "the person suspected of firing the gun has died," but I await further information.



> 決してあってはならないこと。
> トランプ前大統領のご容体が気になります。
> 犯人は確保されたのでしょうか?

This is what never must've happened.
I'm concerned about former President D. Trump's condition.
Has the culprit been restrained?

>"トランプ氏、演説中に発砲音 東部ペンシルベニア州で"


> どんな恋愛ドラマよりも切なかった…(涙)

#Famous lines I want to remember in special effect history;
"Hey Shigeru, one day when all the bad monsters are gone away and the world is at peace..."
"When it's at peace?"
"I want to go somewhere far away, somewhere beautiful together."
"That sounds great, I want to go too."
"Will you really promise me?"
"Yes, I promise."
It was more heartbreaking than any romance drama... (tears)



> 蓮舫氏もそのことは充分承知していらっしゃると思いますが…。

A person who "doesn't wan to be a punching bag" isn't suited to be a politician.
I'm sure Renho is well aware of that...

