

Translation; PM Fumio Kishida said to "realize the result" in order for constitutional revise and "proceed political reform" by appealing succession of former PM Abe's will

>"岸田首相、改憲へ「結果出す」 安倍氏の遺志継承を訴え「政治改革を進める」"

> 岸田文雄首相は7日、保守系団体が東京都内で開いた「安倍晋三元総理の志を継承する集い」に出席し、憲法改正や安定的な皇位継承といった安倍氏が取り組んだ課題を例示し「結果を出すべく努力を続ける」と述べた。
> 自民党の派閥パーティー収入不記載事件によって党勢が低迷する中「歯を食いしばって政治改革を進めなければならない」とも訴えた。

On July 7, PM Fumio Kishida attended a rally, "succeed the aspirations of former PM Shinzo Abe" held in Tokyo by a conservative organization. He cited issues that Abe had tackled, such as amending the Constitution and ensuring stable succession to the throne, and said that he would "continuously make efforts to realize results."
In the situation that the LDP's momentum has been lost due to the scandal of failure to report LDP factional fundrasing party incomes a scandal, he appealed too that "We must desperately push forward with political reform."

> 改憲や安定的な皇位継承について「多くの関係者が一歩でも前に進めようと努力している」と説明。
> 安倍氏が重視したデフレからの脱却に向けて「ようやく機運が盛り上がってきた」とも紹介した。
> 首相の同会合への出席は昨年に続き2回目。

He explained the constitutional reform and stable imperial succession that "Many concerned persons have been making efforts to proceed the matters even one step at a time."
He also introduced efforts to overcome deflation, which Abe emphasized, that "Momentum is finally fired up."
This is the 2nd participation by the Prime Minister in this rally, following his attendance last year.

> 安倍氏の妻・昭恵さんや、日本維新の会の馬場伸幸代表も参加した。

LDP Secretary General Toshimitsu Motegi, who is seen as a possible candidate to "succeed Kishida," praised Abe, saying that he "was truly a wonderful leader." Minister of State for Economic Security Takaichi Sanae said that "There is no one to replace Abe."
Abe's wife, Akie, and Nippon Ishin leader Baba Nobuyuki also attended the event.