

>"「日本人を集めるのが難しい」宮崎県・日章学園高校、9割が中国人留学生 入学式で「中国人民に深く敬意を表します」"

>"バイデン大統領「私が40歳に見えることは知っている」⇒ ネットの反応「ジョー、あなた疲れているのよ」「本当に冗談で言ったのか?」「トランプが言ったら周囲は笑うが、バイデンが言ったら緊張が走る」"

> 朝日の推しは石破氏 だから高市氏を潰す / 下からの厳しい突き上げも馬耳東風な岸田総裁 麻生・菅の思惑 自民党一新の象徴を担げるか?【マンデーバスターズ】331 Vol.2 / 20240701

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 7/6)


> 都知事選の運動も今日1日。
> ヤジ連呼の自由を認め、有権者の演説を聴く権利を破壊した札幌地裁 "廣瀬孝判決"で日本の民主主義がどうなったか、よく見てほしい。
> 掲示板は金集めと宣伝の場にされ、政見放送は見るに耐えない。
> 古き良き日本は消えたのか

Today is the last day of campaigning for the Tokyo gubernatorial election.
Please take a look sufficiently at what has happened to Japanese democracy since the Sapporo District Court's "Takashi Hirose ruling," which allowed the freedom to heckle and destroyed voters' right to listen to speeches.
Bulletin boards displaying election posters have turned into places for "fundraising" and "advertising," and political broadcasts are unbearable to view.
The reputation of "Japanese persons, who value courtesy and order" has also plummeted.
Has the good old Japan disappeared?



> 選挙戦は終了したがプロ市民達の暴走が止まらない。
> ヤジ連呼を言論の自由とした朝日、毎日、東京、テレ朝、TBSは、さぞ満足だろう。
> 仰る通り

The election campaign is over, but the rampage of professional citizens isn't halted.
The Asahi-, Mainichi- and Tokyo Shimbuns, TV Asahi and TBS are probably very satisfied with the current situation, which deemed the repeated heckling to be 'freedom of speech."
Kazue Fujiwara X-posted that "They are glorifying these election disrupters as those exercising "freedom of speech." How is it speech to drown out the voice of a candidate with angry shouts? This is just a society violating human rights!'
She has a point.



> "ほぼトラ"から "かくトラ"(※トランプ確実)に移りつつある情勢でプーチンは「トランプ氏は戦争を止められると言っている。どういう方法か知らないがロシアはこれを真摯に受け止める」と言い始めた。
> 米の出方次第でロシアが危うくなるからだ。
> アフガニスタン撤退のやり方から始まり、中東を制御不能にし、ロシアのウクライナ侵略を呼び込んだバイデン大統領。
> 喪われた数十万の命が本当に惜しまれる

In the situation shifting from "If Trump" to "surely Trump" (Trump will surely be re-elected), Russian President Vladimir Putin has started to say that "Trump says he can stop the war. I don't know how, but Russia will take this sincerely."
The reason why is that Russia will be in danger depending on what policy measures the U.S. will take.
It's President Joe Biden, started with the way of U.S. withdral from Afghanistan, who made the Middle East uncontrollable and made Russia invade Ukraine.
I truly regret the hundreds of thousands of lives that were lost.



> 台南から来日中の徳岡直樹さんご夫妻を囲む新橋・和楽での宴会に参加。
> 猫組長や平井宏治さんたちも参加で大変な盛り上がり中です。

I'm joining a welcome banquet for Naoki Tokuoka and his wife, who are visiting Japan from Tainan, at Waraku (Shinbashi).
Neko-kumicho and Koji Hirai also participate in it, it's therefore fired up very much.



> 昨日は日帰りで山形講演。
>「日本人は平和を唱えていたら平和が続くと思っている。そんな時代はとっくに過ぎた。平和と命を守らなければならない。現実的防衛策を真剣に考えてほしい」との "平和ボケ"への警鐘も紹介
。 > お花畑で国が滅ぶ時代…

Yesterday, I made an one-day trip to Yamagata to give a lecture.
An acquaintance sent me the following article, saying that "There's an article in the Yamagata Shimbun."
It introduced my warning against "peace at any cost mindset" too, saying tha "Japanese persons think that if we advocate peace, peace will continue. However,such era was over long ago. We must defend peace and lives. I expect you to seriously consider realistic defense measures."
It's the era, when our country will perish due to the flower Garden (* mindset).