

>"蓮舫氏「涙腺緩む」子供が書いた手紙を投稿 → 反応『子供を政治に巻き込むな』『子ども使ってお涙ちょうだいするやつ、本当に嫌い』"

>【決戦前夜】東京都知事選「波乱」は起こるか!小池百合子 vs 蓮舫 vs 石丸伸二 vs 田母神俊雄 vs 暇空茜【岩田温✕山根真=デイリーWiLL】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 7/6)


> 東京新聞が発狂新聞に。
> しかも「末期」ですわ。

The Tokyo Shimbun has become to be a crazy shimbun.
Even worse, it's in the "final stages."

>"国民生活を崩壊させた第2次世界大戦時の軍事費膨張… 岸田政権の防衛費大幅増は「戦時財政」をなぞっていないか"


> 蓮舫陣営が事前運動に続いて違反行為か。
> 街を汚して平気なようで、モラルがなさすぎる。

The Renho camp probably violated the law again, following its pre-election campaign!?
It seem to be okay for them to litter the streets, meaning their lack of morals too much.



> 蓮舫支持者が小池都知事の街頭演説を妨害か。

It seems that Renho-supporters disrupted Tokyo Gov. Koike's street speech.
"Renho Red Army" lol



> 東シナ海や沖ノ鳥島の中国のブイに日の丸シールを貼って、「蓮舫作戦」と名付けよう。
> 二重国籍ブイ。

Let's put Hinomaru stickers on Chinese buoys in the East China Sea and Okinotori Island, and name it "Operation Renho."
Dual nationality buoys.

> 小池都知事に告発状。
> 記者会見で選挙運動の質問に有権者の反応を具体的に説明するなどしたのは現職としての地位を利用した選挙運動にあたると公職選挙法違反の疑いで東京地方検察庁に弁護士2人が告発状を提出。
> いくら批判されても事前運動をやめなかった蓮舫氏の比じゃないと思うが。

A written complaint against Tokyo Gov. Koike.
Two lawyers have submitted a written complaint with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, saying that Gov. Koike's use of her position as a sitting governor in election campaign, such as giving specific details about voter reactions in response to questions about her election campaing at press conferences, is a violation of the Public Offices Election Act.
I think that it's no comparable to Renho, who refused to stop pre-election campaign, no matter how much criticism she received.

>'"小池都知事の動画配信の会見は公選法違反" 弁護士ら告発状'