



> 米大統領選挙とフランス議会選挙。混乱する世界を東京から見る(前半)西村幸祐 AJER2024.7.6(1)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 7/6)


> なぜ道を誤った欧米の後を、日本に10周遅れで付かせて追わせようとする不吉な力が日本に湧いて出てくるのか、本当に不思議。
It's really mysterious why such an ominous force has emerged in Japan, which attempts to make Japan catch up and follow in the footsteps of the Western countries, who have made mistakes, 10 laps behind.



> これが有名な〈公金チューチュー〉の一つの例です。
> ひまそらあかね候補が都知事になれば、例えば北海道で恐ろしい〈公金チューチュー〉を行っているアイヌ関連のウポポイ事業にもメスが入るかも知れない。
> 防衛費以上の国家予算がチューチューされる、男女共同参画事業や NHK予算もお願いしたい。

This is one example of the famous "public money sucking-up."
If candidate Akane Himasora becomes Tokyo governor, he may take action against the Ainu-related "upopoy" program, which has carried out a horrible "public money sucking-up" in Hokkaido.
I would also like him to take action against the "Gender Equality" projects and the NHK budget, in which national budget larger than defense spending are "sucking-up."




> バイデン政権を作った勢力の老人虐待
> 7月4日の米独立記念日。
> バイデン大統領はホワイトハウスで声明を発表。
> 日本では大統領選から辞退しない意思を表明と報道された。
> だが実際はテレプロンプター無しだったので、支離滅裂な言葉を連発、「破滅的な大災害」と欧米で大騒ぎに。

Elder abuse by the forces that created the Biden administration.
What happened on July 4th, Independence Day in the U.S.
President Joe Biden released a statement at the White House.
In Japan, it's reported that he expressed his will not to withdraw from the presidential election.
However, in reality, as without a teleprompter, he disseminated incoherent words one after another, which caused a fuss in the Western countries that "catastrophic disaster."

>"'Catastrophic disaster': Biden tries to speak 'without a teleprompter'"


> これは2年前の4月、演説をしたバイデン大横領が演説を終えてから、自分がどこにいるのか一瞬解らなくなり、歩く方向を見失った衝撃的なシーン。
> でも日本メディアは全く報道しなかった。

This is a shocking scene in April two years ago, when President Joe Biden who made a speech didn't know where he was for a moment after finishing his speech, and lost his way.
However, the mass media in Japan did not report on this at all.



> 米国バイデン政権(オバマ民主党政権)の時代遅れの頑迷な考えが、日米韓という枠組みを求めていて、それに対して岸田政権が日本の立場を主張できず、唯々諾々と漫然と従っているからです。
> 対米従属の典型的な姿です。

The reason why is that the way of thinking of the U.S. Joe Biden administration (Obama Democratic administration) demands outdated and stubborn U.S.-Japan-S. Korea framework, and in response to that, the Kishida administration has been unable to assert Japan's position and has "obediently" and "carelessly" followed that.
This is a typical example of dependency on the U.S.


>"【有村治子公式】第 51回韓国レーダー照射「棚上げ」!? 中国に「厳重」抗議⁉︎ 参議院 比例代表(全国区)選出 有村治子"