
>"【動画】都知事選・田母神俊雄候補、ラッパー・漢さんと MCバトル!"


>"Landslide win for U.K.'s Labour ends 14 years of Conservative rule"

> 世界が不安定化する中、イギリスとフランスにも変革の波…‼︎【一般ライブ】7/5 (金) 17:00~17:40【渡邉哲也show】渡邉哲也×西村幸祐×小野寺まさる

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 7/5)


> 都知事選投票日まで、後2日!
> 重要な事ですよ、これは。

[Recommend to share the following message]
Only two days ahead of the Tokyo gubernatorial election voting day!
This is important matter.



> 楊先生、全くその通りで、それが基本です。
> 以前、石平さんが言っていたが、日本に帰化した時、何の儀式も宣誓もなく拍子抜けしたと。
> それで頭に来て靖国参拝をしたと。
> その後終戦の日に靖国の昇殿参拝に誘うと、本当に喜んでいました。

Prof. Yang Haiying (* aka Akira Ohno), you have a point perfectly, it's the basic.
Sekihei said in the past that, when he naturalized and became a Japanese citizen, he was taken aback as there was neither ceremony or oath.
He therefore angered, and visited Yasukuni Shrine.
Later, when I invited him to make an official worship entering inside the worship hall at the Yasukuni Shrine on the end of the war anniversary, he was really delighted.



> 今日の BSフジ、プライムニュースは酷い!
> 最近面白くないのは国内政治を陳腐な切り口で取り上げる回が多過ぎるからだ。
> 今日のテーマは面白いのに切り口がまるでダメ。
> 欧州の動きが見えていない。
> 何よりも木原誠二氏の出演に驚いた。
> 英国関連の著書があるから?
> あり得ない人選だ。

Today's BS Fuji program, "Prime News," was terrible!
The reason why it's not interesting recently is because there are too many episodes that take up domestic politics from a hackneyed perspective.
Even though today's topic is interesting, the perspective is completely wrong.
They can't see what's happening in Europe.
More than anything, I was surprised by appearance of Kihara Seiji in the program.
Is it because he's written a book about the U.K.!?
It's an out of question pernnel selection.



> いや、本当。
> なぜここまで劣化するのか?
> 確かに先崎彰容ぐらいしか話を聞きたい人が出ない。
> 安倍さんが暗殺されてから内容が劣化したのは象徴的だ。
> 何かの符号でしょう。
> Zeitgeist(時代精神)が閉じてきて抑圧的になった気がします。

Yeah, you have a point.
Why has it deteriorated to this extent?
The only person I want to listen to talks is surely "Akinaka Senzaki."
It's symbolic that the content has deteriorated since Abe was assassinated. It must be some kind of sign.
I feel like the Zeitgeist (spirit of the times) has become closed off and oppressive.
