Ref.>"【ゲンダイ】加藤鮎子こども政策相、実母に政治資金 900万円還流"

>'国立東京外国語大学の "市民向け講座"の講師・クルド人団体幹部、名刺に『大学講師』→ 文科省、是正求める「誤解生む」'

>"【話題】Q『なぜ外国人に生活保護を出すのがダメなの?』→A『1億人で 81億人を養うことはできないから』→ Q『バカだな。困っている人だけだよ』→ …"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Utilizing former PM Shinzo Abe's achievements" = visiting correspondent of The Sankei Shimbun, Yoshihisa Komori, expressed so in the 50th Choshu "Just argument" social gathering

>"第 50回長州「正論」懇話会 本紙・古森客員特派員 「安倍氏の実績を活かせ」"

> 長州「正論」懇話会の第 50回講演会が5日、山口県下関市の市生涯学習プラザで開かれ、麗澤大特別教授で本紙ワシントン駐在客員特派員の古森義久氏が「安倍晋三とアメリカ」と題して講演した。
> 古森氏は、安倍晋三元首相が暗殺され、8日で三回忌を迎えることに触れ、「安倍氏を語ることは日本のあり方を語ることだ。彼は一貫して日本という国家のゆがみを正し、普通の国にしようと努めた」と述べた。

On July 5, the 50th lecture of "Choshu [Just argument] Social gathering" was held at Shimonoseki City Lifelong Learning Plaza. Special Prof. Yoshihisa Komori at Reitaku University doubling visiting correspondent of The Sankei Shimbun lectured titled "Shinzo Abe & the U.S."
Komori commented on that July 8 is to be the 3rd anniversary of assasination of former PM Shinzo Abe, and said that "To talk about Abe is to talk about the way of being of Japan. He consistently tried to correct the distortions of the country of Japan and make it a normal country."

> その上で、米国の評価は第1次政権と第2次政権で大転換し、特に安全保障政策は称賛され、その軌跡は日本外交史上、特筆すべきだと指摘。
> 米国では、その死を日本以上に悼んだとし、「米国との関係を緊密にし、信頼を深めた安倍氏の実績をどう生かすかが喫緊の課題となる」と訴えた。

He then pointed out that the U.S. assessed (Abe) totally differently between his 1st and 2nd terms, and his security policy in particular was praised, and his track record should be particularly noteworthy in the history of Japanese diplomacy.
He explained that the U.S. mourned his death more than Japan, and appealed that "The most pressing issue for Japan is how to make use of Abe's achievements, which forged closer ties with the U.S. and deepen its trust."