
>"【韓国】ソウル中心部で車両が歩道に突っ込む… 9人が死亡、4人がけが 運転していた 70代の男の身柄を確保"

>"座談会参加者「今回の選挙は何か違う!」→ 立憲・石垣議員「同志各位!あなたの行動が力になっています!」"



> Driver arrested on charge of accidental homicide after car crash kills 9

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 7/3)


> この事件、「火病」による事件の可能性が浮上。
> 200m離れたホテルの玄関から夫婦が激しく口論。
> 駐車場を出る時から猛スピードで出て行ったとの目撃情報🤔

The possibility that this case was due to "hwabyeong" has emerged.
The couple was heard arguing violently at the entrance of the hotel 200m away.
There is a sighting information that it went out at high speed even when leaving the parking lot🤔

>"韓国9人死亡事故で運転手聴取 車急発進」の根拠未確認と警察"


> タマネギ男こと、韓国の曹国元法相を思い出す演出。

The performance is reminiscent of Cho Kuk (aka "onion man"), the former Justice Minister in S. Korea.
➡︎To whom did you make take the photo?🤣