Ref.>"機密費、年12億円 ほぼ全額使い切り 元官房長官「選挙応援に使用も」"

>"岸田LGBT法の効果絶大/大村市、倉吉市に続き3市が事実婚表記を開始 同性カップル住民票の続柄欄"

>"'Post-Kishida' Search for the Next LDP Leaders Accelerates as Calls Rise for 'New Stars'"

> 東京都議補選が大激戦!全9選挙区解説!! 公明党が自民支援しない宣言に大激震 萩生田光一選挙区  & 下村博文選挙区は?小池百合子はどう動く?

Translation; With the upcoming LH general election in mind, the successors to Kishida were busy in supporting the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly by-elections

>"ポスト岸田候補が支援奔走 都議補選、次の衆院選意識"

> 自民党で岸田文雄首相の後継をうかがう「ポスト岸田」候補が、東京都議補欠選挙の自民候補支援に奔走している。
> 7日投開票の補選は都内9選挙区で実施され、自民は8選挙区に候補を擁立。
> だが派閥裏金事件の逆風を受け、情勢は楽観できない。
> ポスト岸田候補は次期衆院選の「選挙の顔」を意識しながら、選挙応援に注力する。

The LDP "post-Kishida" candidates, who are vying to succeed PM Fumio Kishida, are busy in supporting LDP candidates in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly by-elections.
The by-elections, vote casted and counted on July 7, will be held in nine electoral districts in Tokyo, and the LDP has fielded candidates in eight districts.
However, with the factional slush fund scandal causing a backlash, the situation is not optimistic.
The post-Kishida candidates works hard in supporting candidates in the election, while taking his or her role as an "election face" of the next LH general election in mind.

> 河野太郎デジタル相は2日、足立区の街頭演説に駆け付け、こなれた弁舌で女性候補を紹介。
> 一緒に並んだデジタル政務官のことも「衆院当選1回ながら活躍している」と持ち上げた。
> 河野氏と同じ麻生派の若手で足立区を地盤とする。

On July 2, Minister for Digital Transformation Taro Kono rushed to a street speech in Adachi Ward, and he introduced a female candidate with skillfull speech.
He also praised the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Digital Agency (* Shin Tsuchida), who was standing next to him, saying that "He has been active despite only being elected to the Lower House once."
He is a young member of the Aso faction, as the same as Kono, and his base is in Adachi Ward.

> 高市早苗経済安全保障担当相も同じ足立区に応援に入った。
> 女性候補が少子化対策を掲げていると紹介し「絶対当選させてほしい」と訴えた。
> ポスト岸田候補のうち、世論調査の支持でトップを走る石破茂元幹事長は3日、八王子市や府中市の選挙区に入る。
> 総裁選をうかがう茂木敏充幹事長も、党の選挙対策責任者として近く補選応援に出向く予定だ。

State Minister for Economic Security Sanae Takaichi also went to Adachi Ward in order to support a LDP candidate.
She introduced a female candidate raising the declinig birthrate countermeasures, and appealed that "I would like you to make she be elected without failure."
Former LDP Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba, who is leading among post-Kishida candidates in support rate in public opinin surveys, will go to election districts in Hachioji City and Fuchu City on July 3.
Secretary General Toshimitsu Motegi, who considers to run in the LDP presidential election, also plans to go to support in by-elections as an intra-party responsible person in election.