Ref.>"23年度税収、4年連続過去最高 72.1兆円、所得。法人税堅調"



>"【動画】メガソーラー建設のために雑木林を切り開いていた福岡県添田町、去年土砂災害で民家にいた 70代女性が死亡 → 福岡県「雨の影響で土砂が緩んだことが原因で太陽光発電所との直接の因果関係の報告はない」"

> 頼むよ。。。公明党 -- オール沖縄に隙を与えないで --

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 7/1)


> 仏国民議会選挙(下院)の1回目投票で国民連合が 34%を獲得し、2年前からほぼ2倍に。
> マクロンの与党連合は 20.3%で大敗北し政権崩壊へ。
> 来週の第2回投票で国民連合は過半数に迫る勢いとか。
> 世界の潮流を見れないお粗末な岸田首相 & 外務省 & 財界

In the 1st round of the general elections for the French Assemblée nationale (Lower House), the "Rassemblement National" won 34% of the votes, almost double the number from two years ago.
Emmanuel Macron's ruling coalition suffered a crushing defeat with 20.3%, and the government is on the verge of collapse.
The RN allegedly has a momentum to take a majority in the 2nd round of the voting next week.
mei X-posted that "If it goes as it it, it will be the 1st conservative government since the end of WW2. Macron's policies will be overturned, and anti-immigration policy will be accelerated."
A poor PM Kishida, the MoFA and the business circle, who can't see the global trends.



> 仏下院選挙の1回目投票で国民連合が大躍進の1位。
> マクロン大統領の与党連合は3位。
> 日本のメディアは "極右政党の勝利"と保守・現実派の声を伝えないが、ル・ペン国民連合党首は「私達はグローバリストの勢力を事実上一掃しました。仏国民は7年間にわたる侮蔑的で腐敗した政権から立ち直りたいという意思を明確な投票によって示しました」と。
> 自分達が極左である事を認めない日本のマスコミの歪みに改めて呆れる

In the 1st round of French Lower House election, the RN takes the 1st place with a big leap forward.
President Emmanuel Macron's ruling coalition came in 3rd.
Japanese media reported this as "the radical rightist party wins" while ignoring the voices of "conservatives & pragmatists." But the RN leader Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen said that "We have in practice wiped out the power of the globalists. With their clear vote, the French nationals have shown their will to restore themselves from seven years of the degrading and corrupt regime."
I am once again astonished at the distortion of the mass media in Japan, which refuses to acknowledge that they are radical leftists.



> 高市早苗氏が自民地方議員に "出馬する"と明言したと朝日が報道。
> 閣僚の一員としてそんな発言をしない高市氏には "あり得ない記事"で当人は「私が総裁選出馬の決意を伝えた??…という旨の変な記事のために時間を使うのは無駄ですね。"高市早苗潰し"が目的と思われる記事で朝から他社の記者さんから電話やメールが殺到して仕事になりませんでした」と。
> 中国と対峙できる唯一の政治家に対し、朝日を始め左翼メディアの嫌がらせは続く。
> 負けるな "救国の政治家"

The Asahi Shimbun reported that Takaichi Sanae has stated that she would run (* for the LDP presidential election).
This is an "impossible article" for Takaichi, who, as a cabinet member, would not make such remark.
She said that "It's a waste of time to deal with the strange article to say that I conveyed my determination to run in the LDP presidential election?... The article seems to be aimed at "crushing Takaichi Sanae," and I was inundated with phone calls and e-mails from reporters from other companies from the morning, so I couldn't get any work done."
The Asahi Shimbun and other leftists media have continuously harassed the only politician, who can stand up to China.
Don't give up, the "politician who will save the country."

>"自民・高市早苗氏、総裁選出馬伝達との朝日新聞報道を否定 「『潰し』が目的」と非難"


> スパイ疑惑が続く比・バンバン市の女性市長アリス・グォ氏が遂に指紋で別人と判明。
> 発端は今年3月警察が市内のカジノ賭博場を摘発した際、賭博客の多くが中国人で、市長が敷地の多くを所有していた事。
> 市長には出生や就学証明の文書がなく "中国人では?"との疑惑があったが6月末、2003年に比に入国し中国旅券には "1990年福建省生まれ"と記されていた。
> 大統領府直轄の組織犯罪対策委は市長らが違法賭博や人身売買に関与したとみて告発。
> あらゆる階層に食い込む中国スパイ。
> 日本も他人事ではない

Alice Guo, the female mayor of Bambang city in Philippines, who has been continuosly suspected of being a spy, has finally been identified by the fingerprint as an another person.
The starting point was that, when the police raided a casino in the city in March this year, it found that many of the gamblers were Chinese, and that the mayor owned much of the premises.
The mayor had no birth and schooling documents, she has been therefore suspected to be a Chinese. At the end of June, it turned out that she entered the Philippines at the end of June 2003, and her Chinese passport states that she was born in Fujian Province in 1990.
The organized crime control committee (correct name in English is unknown), which is under direct jurisdiction of the Presidential Office, has accused the mayor and so on for being involved in illegal gambling and human trafficking.
Chinese spies have infiltrated all walks of life.
For Japan, it's not someone else's problem.

>"フィリピンの女性市長に「中国のスパイ」疑惑 指紋で別人と判明、中国人の可能性が高く"


> 辺野古警備員死亡事件で当の市民団体が産経に「私達は事故が起こらないよう法律に基づき抗議をしている。これまで6年間、事故はなかった。女性は "あえて飛び出した訳ではない"と話している。警備員の合図に問題があったのは明らか」と。
> 亡き宇佐美芳和さんの無念…あり得ない

Regarding the death of the security guard at Henoko, the civic organization in question said to The Sankei Shimbun that "We protest in accordance with the law to prevent accidents from happening. There have been no accidents in the past six years. The female said that "I didn't intentionally run out." It's obvious that there was a problem with the security guard's signal."
The regret of the late Yoshikazu Usami... it's no way.

>"牛歩の市民団体「警備員の合図に問題」「飛び出したわけではない」 辺野古ダンプ事故"