Ref.>"US is Ready to Stand With Tibet and Its People"

>"How Can We Support Chinese in Search of Freedom?"

>"EDITORIAL | Focus the Tokyo Election on Who Can Protect Lives, Livelihood"

> 増税ク○メガネ絶体絶命!?高市早苗は人気上昇!! #736-③ 【怒れるスリーメン】長尾たかし×佐波優子×山上信吾×西村幸祐

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; An operational standard will be compiled aiming by the end of the year = an advisory council to consider the details such as the suitability of economic security measures held its first meeting

>"経済安保の適性評価など詳細を検討 諮問会議が初会合、年内目途に運用基準策定へ"

> 政府は 26日、経済安全保障上の機密情報へのアクセスを官民の有資格者に限る「セキュリティー・クリアランス(SC、適格性評価)」制度の運用基準を検討する「重要経済安保情報保護活用諮問会議」(座長・渡部俊也東大教授)の初会合を官邸で開いた。
> 制度創設の関連法が先の通常国会で成立したことを受け、身辺調査に基づく評価結果の目的外使用を防ぐための措置など、年内を目途に運用基準を策定する。

On June 26, the government held the 1st meeting of an "advisory council on the protection and use of important economic and security information" (correct name in English is unknown, chaired by Prof. Watanabe Toshiya at the University of Tokyo) at the Kantei (* PM's orricial residence) in order to consider an operational standard for the "security clearance" system, which restricts access to classified information on economic security to qualified individuals from both the public and private sectors.
In response the passage of the relevant legislation establishing the system in the last ordinary Diet session, the council will comple the operational standard aiming by the end of the year, including measures to prevent the results of evaluations based on background checks from being used for unintended purposes.

> 諮問会議は経済界、労働界などの有識者5人で構成。
> 初会合で岸田文雄首相は関連法について「情報保全の強化のみならず、民間事業者の国際的なビジネス機会の確保・拡充のため非常に重要な法律だ」と述べた。
> 高市早苗経済安全保障担当相は当面の検討課題として①対象となる情報の明確化②適性評価の具体的な在り方や、評価結果の目的外使用禁止を担保する方策③機密を取り扱う適合事業者に求める適合性の基準 -- を挙げた。

The council is made up of five experts from the business- and labor circles, etc.
At the 1st meeting, PM Kishida Fumio said that "This law is extremely important not only for upgrade information security, but also for securing and expanding international business opportunities for private businesses."
State Minister for Economic Security Sanae Takaichi listed following points as issues to be considered for the time being:
1) Clarification of the information to be covered.
2) Concrete way of being of the measures for suitability assessment and to ensure that the assessment results are not used for other than intended purposes.
3) Standards of suitability required for suitable project operators that handle confidential information.

> SC制度を創設する「重要経済安保情報保護・活用法」では、重要インフラに関する情報など、漏洩すれば国の安全保障に支障を与える恐れがある情報を「重要経済安保情報」に指定し、取り扱いを有資格者に限定。
> 資格付与のための調査は内閣府が担い、企業が従業員の同意を得て提出した名簿をもとに、家族の国籍や犯罪歴、薬物の使用歴、精神疾患の有無などを調べる。

The >"Act on the Protection and Utilization of Information Vital to Economic Security," which establishes the SC system, designates information that could jeopardize national security if leaked, such as information on critical infrastructure, as "information vital to economic security," and limit its handling to qualified individuals.
The Cabinet Office will be responsible for investigating whether or not to grant qualifications. Based on lists submitted by companies with the consent of their employees, information is investigated, such as the nationality of family members, criminal history, drug use history, and whether or not they have any mental illness.