Ref.>"【大阪】電動スーツケース(最高時速13キロ)で歩道走行 中国籍の 30代女性書類送検"

>【沖縄の声】【靖国神社】沖縄県祖国復帰 52周年記念 靖国集会のご報告【仲村覚】【川満しぇんしぇー】【仲間信之】[桜R6/6/26]

Translation; Anxiety is rising = the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai revealed that a Japanese citizen was stabbed in Suzhou, China, in the spring too

>"中国・蘇州で春にも邦人切り付け 在上海日本総領事館、不安高まる"

> 中国江蘇省蘇州で日本人学校のスクールバスを待っていた日本人母子が切り付けられた現場近くで、4月にも日本人男性が面識のない男に切り付けられる事件が起きていたことが 26日、在上海日本総領事館への取材で分かった。
> 治安が良いとされてきた蘇州で邦人が襲われる事件が続き、日本人社会に不安が高まっている。

It turned out on June 26 by a coverage with the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai that, in April too, a Japanese male was stabbed by a male he didn't know, near the site where a Japanese mother and child were stabbed while waiting for a school bus in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China.
Cases in which Japanese nationals in Suzhou, a city considered to be good in social order, attacked one after another, which causes rising anxiety in the Japanese community.

> 上海総領事館などによると、4月、蘇州の日本料理店が並ぶ通りで日本人男性が中国人とみられる男に切り付けられ、首に軽傷を負った。
> 男は直後に警察に身柄を拘束された。
> 蘇州には日系企業の生産拠点が多数ある。
> 駐在員からは「日系企業に解雇された人の逆恨みでは」と推測する声が聞かれた。

According to the Consulate-General of Japan in Shanghai and so on, in April, a Japanese male was stabbed by a male believed to be Chinese on a street lined with Japanese restaurants in Suzhou. He suffered minor injuries to his neck.
Shortly after that, the male was taken into police custody.
In Suzhou, there are many production bases of Japanese companies.
Japanese expatriate(s) guessed that "the attack was possibly motivated by a grudge from someone who was fired by a Japanese company."