Ref.>"N. Korea sends trash-carrying balloons to S. Korea for 3rd day"

>"N.K. missile launch ends in mid-air explosion amid possibility of hypersonic missile test"

>"U.S. will oppose potential N. Korean worker dispatch to occupied Ukrainian territory: State Dept."

> S. Korea holds live-fire drills on western border islands for first time in 7 years

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; In the inter-Koreans relations with strained atmosphere, Yeonpyeong Island bathed in red light at sunrise

>"緊張感漂う南北関係 日の出で赤く染まる延坪島"

>【NEWSIS】「汚物風船」を飛ばしてきた北朝鮮が東海(日本海)上に弾道ミサイルと推定される発射体を発射した 26日、日の出で赤く染まる北方限界線(NLL)近くの韓国領・延坪島。
[NEWSIS]. Following photos show Yeonpyeong Island, S. Korean territory near the Northern Limit Line (NLL), bathed in red light at sunrise on June 26, when N. Korea, which has flew "filth-balloons," fired a launched-matter, which is guessed to be a ballistic issile, over (* not) Ease Sea (* but Sea of Japan).