Ref.>"【豊田章男会長 役員報酬は16.2億円】"

>"「2年間進まなかったリニア問題」がわずか1ヶ月で解決… やはり川勝前知事の難癖は「オカルト主張」だった"

>"【動画】埼玉県警、川口市の技能実習生の寮で注意喚起「犯罪に巻き込まれないように気をつけてね!」→ ツッコミ殺到…"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/25)


> 東京 23区の過去5年 "外国人増加率"が中央、文京、千代田区の都心で急進。
> 理由は都心部の住環境や教育環境を求める中国人富裕層の動向。
> 増加率が最も高かったのは中央区で5年前の約 7800人から約1.5倍の1万1700人に。
> ある仲介会社でタワマンの内見に来た 25組のうち 23組は中国人だったそうだ。
> 国民が手の出ない物件には中国人が住む国に成り果てた日本

The "rates of increase in foreigners" in Tokyo's 23 wards over the past five years is steep in the central areas of "Chuo," "Bunkyo" and "Chiyoda" Wards.
The reason why for that is the trend of wealthy Chinese persons seeking living and educational environments in the Tokyo central areas.
The highest rate of increase was in Chuo Ward, where the number increased by about 1.5 times from about 7,800 five years ago to 11,700.
At one real estate agency, 23 out of 25 couples, who came to privately view "high-rise condominium," were Chinese.
Japan has become a country, where Chinese persons live in properties that Japanese ones can't afford.

>"東京 23区の外国人増加率、中央、文京など都心で顕著 タワマン、教育環境求める中国人ら"


> 三木慎一郎氏が指摘するこの東京 & 大阪の中国人の "人口分布図"を見てどう思うだろうか。
> 国防動員法が発令された時は?
> やられ放題の日本。
> いでよ、救国の政治家

What do you think, when you see these "population distribution maps" showing Chinese persons in Tokyo and Osaka, as pointed out by Shinichiro Miki?
What will happen, when the National Mobilization Law is mobilized?
The warning is heavy -- "If no countermeasures are taken, something terrible will happen in within a few years"
Japan is a country, where all what they wan to do is possible.
Come on, politicians who will save the country, emerge.



> 私は講演の際、中国で行われている凄まじい反日教育や日本への核攻撃を囃す動画をなるべく直接観て貰うようにしている。
> 江蘇省蘇州市スクールバス邦人母子の事件は起こるべくして起こっている。
> 憎悪に加え日本への核攻撃の煽りは更に凄い。
> それでも核抑止力議論を放棄する日本の政治家が私には信じ難い

When I give lectures, I make myself show attendees to view footage(s), which showing terrible anti-Japan education taking place in China and encouraging a nuclear attack on Japan.
The incident involving a Japanese mother and child on a school bus in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, was bound to happen.
In addition to the hatred, the fanning a nuclear attack on Japan is even more terrible.
Nevertheless, I can hardly believe the Japanese politicians, who abandon to talk about nuclear deterrence.
