Ref.>'トゥーンベリ・ゴンさん、何も言っていないのに "アカウントを消せ"と言われてしまう…'


>"【動画】政策は?→ 石丸氏「政治屋の一掃!」→ 白川司氏「ポピュリスト。悪感がわいた。こんなんでも感動する人が意外といるんだよね…」"

> 石丸伸二氏、無党派層支持で蓮舫氏上回る 東京都知事選情勢

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/25)


> 物がわかっている人は東京が世界的な国際都市の座から陥落しかねない現実に危機感を持っている。

Persons, who know the truth, feel a sense of crisis about the reality that Tokyo may fall from its position as a global international city.
Persons, who say things like "we need to correct the over-concentration in Tokyo," lack a global perspective.

> 暇空茜さんが都知事選出馬を決めたのは、石丸伸二氏と対談をして危機感を持ち「石丸氏を絶対に勝たせてはいけない」と思ったからだそうだ。
> 根本には漫画愛と、漫画を粗雑に選挙に利用された怒りがあるのだろう。

The reason why Akane Himasora decided to run in the Tokyo gubernatorial election is that, after talking with Shinji Ishimaru, he felt a sense of crisis and thought that "We must never let Ishimaru win."
At the root of his decision is likely his love for comic and his anger at the way comic was crudely used in the election.

>'都知事選に出馬の暇空茜氏を直撃「石丸伸二さんは "鬼滅オタク"なんかじゃない」「彼だけは落としたくて出馬を決めました」'


> 蓮舫氏が錦糸町駅前で演説し、共産党の吉良よし子氏が応援演説。
> 公示してから蓮舫氏の人気がどんどん落ちているのが、共産党が露骨に表に出てきたせいだといつ気づくんだろう。
> 大金を注ぎ込んでフライングまでしたのにご苦労様。

Renho gave a speech in front of Kinshicho Station, and UH lawmaker Yoshiko Kira (JCP) gave a suppoert-speech.
I wonder when they will realize that the reason why Renho's popularity has been steadily declining since the election was announced is because the JCP has blatantly come forward.
Thank you for all your hard work, even though spending a lot of money and even got a false start.

>"都知事選 7月7日投票 影に光当てる知事に 蓮舫候補訴え 吉良議員ら応援"


> NNNと世論調査で、総選挙後の政権の在り方を聞くと「自民党中心の政権の継続」が 46%と4%上昇。
> 蓮舫効果恐るべし。
> 蓮舫さんは民進党トップの時も安倍さんの支持率を支えた自民党の救世主。

In an NNN opinion poll, when questioned about the way of the government after the general election, 46% chose "continuation of the LDP-led government," up 4 percentage points from the previous survey.
The Renho effect is formidable.
Renho was the savior of the LDP, who supported Abe's approval rating even when she was the top of the Democratic Party.

>'内閣支持 "最低"更新 23% 求心力低下 ポスト岸田は? NNN世論調査'