Ref.>"イタリアの慰安婦像、碑の文言変更へ 市長「一方的な主張」"

>"芥川賞作家、「お金が無い」と吐露… 借金も明かす「どんな末路なのかな? もう末路なのかな?」"

> イタリアのスティンティーノ市の公有地に慰安婦像が設置

Translation;It's reported that new S. Korean ambassador to Japan will be Park Cheol-hee, a scholar familiar with Japan

>"韓国大使に朴チョルヒ氏と報道 日本通の学者"

> メディアは 23日、韓国政府が次の駐日大使に外務省傘下の国立外交院の朴チョルヒ院長を充てる人事を決めたと報じた。
> 現在の尹徳敏大使の後任で、尹錫悦政権発足後は2人目の駐日大使となる。
> 朴氏はソウル大教授や東京大の特任教授のほか、慶応大、神戸大の客員教授などを務めた。
> 日本通の学者として知られ、日本語も堪能だ。

On June 23, mass media reported that Seoul fixed personnel affairs to appoint Park Cheol-hee, chancellor of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy affiliated with the Foreign Ministry as the next ambassador to Japan.
He will succeed current ambassador Yun Duk-min and be the 2nd ambassador to Japan since the Yoon Suk-yeol administration took office.
Park has served as professor at Seoul National University and a specially appointed professor at the University of Tokyo, as well as a visiting professor at Keio University and Kobe University.
He is known as a scholar familiar with Japan and is fluent in Japanese language.